Forum Discussion

BecDavis's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Temporary Full Expensing and Small Business Pool



We have SBE clients who are eligible to write off their pool balance > $150K.


How do we do this in Client Accounting Assets/Assets Live?


Thank you,


Bec Davis.

  • Just in case any one else is looking. We had created the 2021 year in Assets back in May for tax planning purposes. This meant that the software update to automatically write off the pool balance did not do so with this asset ledger. We had to delete the year and re-add it.

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  • BecDavis's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Just in case any one else is looking. We had created the 2021 year in Assets back in May for tax planning purposes. This meant that the software update to automatically write off the pool balance did not do so with this asset ledger. We had to delete the year and re-add it.