Not sure why we cannot do this yet but i'm not really suprised. I have set up multiple printed forms for my customers as they require different information on them so should be treated differently. One for QUOTES, ORDERS AND INVOICES. This means I need to change the form in the customers card file when I want to send a quote or an order or an invoice. Without having to select a differnt print set up every time at every stage of the customer sales process is there a way around this. Is there a way to have a form set in the card file separate for each of these processes as they are all very different so should not be on the same form. This is tediuos when conducting multiple quotes/forms a day not to mention possibly forgetting to do so. There are so many ideas coming through to MYOB FORUM but yet you keep updating areas that are really not required but failing to update what your subscribers are after. Please for all who use this system update the items required for everyday bookkeeping and administration. 1. ability to send receipt deposits 2. set a functional progressive payment method 3. abilty to send receipts directly from payment area 4. purging old invoices pre 2015 5. abilty to select multiple print forms 6. abilty to search for item by supplier in sales item entry 7. abilty to write notes against invoice not just customer or supplier 8. ability to delete pre 7 year account codes not in use 9. ability to delete pre 7 year sales / purchase invoices in bulk 10. ability to delete bulk items not one by one 11. add more functions to the items / inventory area - needs to be easier to find items Gosh the list could keep going. MYOB is such an easy and effective software program please keep it relevant and current as it would be a shame to lose such a good program. Just keep adding to it and giving the customer what they require as changing programs is a pain in the backside and most of us just don't have the time for it.418Views0likes0CommentsIssue with sending invoice emails
Not sure if anybody else has this issue. I was sending invoices out this morning and noticed quite a few old invoices in the emails that hadn't been sent but i was sure they had been. Unfortunately i didn't check them and just changed the dates to today and re emailed. I then got copious phone calls from customers saying they had already paid or received the email with a different dat on it. I then went back into each customer and a duplicate invoice had been created as still open. Why is this happening? I also noticed that some of my customers that i had changed to 30 days trade customer had been reverted back to their original entry of 7 day customers. this happens so regularly it's like MYOB is backing up from old dates. Sort it out MYOB please it's becoming so frustrating. We have enough stuff to deal with without not having faith in this system.223Views0likes0CommentsINVOICES DOUBLING UP
There is something very strange happening with MYOB at present. Double up of invoices are not being flagged if entered already. MYOB is allowing the double up to occur. Invoices with no info are also not being flagged but saved without notification. Cards are reverting to an old file with incorrect information and doubling up. I am wasting so much trying to clean up this system it's driving me insane. FIX IT FOR GOODNESS SAKE! How can a program that has thousands of users be so unstable. How frustrating?1.1KViews0likes4CommentsEmailing Deposit to Customers
Seriously i'm so tired of getting complaints from customers because our accounting system CANNOT and WILL NOT add a feature to send a deposit email or receipt. Surely it can't be that hard to create, you are adding so many more complex features and yet this simple one has NEVER been considered eventhough your customers are screaming out for it - on a constant basis. There's a buttom for emailing invoices surely one can be created for emailing receipts! PLEASE get this done ...295Views0likes1Comment