Dashboard Purchase History on MYOB Advanced
We have a graph on our dashboard of our purchase history with specific suppliers. The quantity data is summed up of an inventory item through the puchase receipts screen. In the purchase receipts screen (generic inquiry) it shows both receipts and returns as a positive number showing on our dashboard as receiving more than we actually received. Example for the month of February Purchase Receipt: 10 Purchase Return: 5 Dashboard will display 15. What formula can i input into the generic enquiry so that it will make the returns show up as a negative on Purchase Receipts screenScreenId=PO3020PL?103Views0likes1CommentMYOB Advanced : Part Shipment of PO's
We have short listed MYOB Advanced as a potential replacement for our current system but have some concerns regarding part shipment of PO's and how part shipments (ETA's & qtys ) are handled & reported in MYOB Advanced. We need to provide customers with accurate vessel ETD, ETA & Qtys shipped against PO's, unfortunately we have several suppliers that will either ship half the SKU's or tonnes required.Solved1.2KViews0likes2Comments