Electronic Payments Register and the adjustable column widths on MYOB Business
It would be good to have Electronic Payments Register report (showing supplier's details, BSB and account number for better review purposes) available and the adjustable column widths (e.g., wider supplier column to show their full name) on MYOB Business.15Views0likes1CommentSearch contacts by contactID
Current it's not possible to search contacts via contact ID, please add this feature. Is it me, or is there lots of basic features missing? Searching is sub-par, you can't search then go into a record then back to the search results (you must re-run the search), lots of data can't be exported, report columns can't be expanded to see more text, inventory can't be managed with specific items, the list just goes on... I'm new to MYOB Business, but hopefully I won't regret my decision to move.14Views0likes1CommentSupplier Purchases Report - monthly single view
Wanting a report similar to the P&L that allows a view of each months spend with a particular supplier or suppliers. Currently the supplier purchases report can only generate a view within a specified date range, therefore I'm having to enter the date range of each month to generate the amount, manually record the value, then set the next months date range. I would suggest this view to be available for all types of reports.31Views0likes5CommentsMYOB Online Reports - Wont Print or Save to PDF
Hi - Anyone else having trouble getting certain reports to either print or save to PDF or export, when generated on MYOB Web. The buttons are just greyed out and show a red declined circle when hovered over.... any suggestions ??74Views0likes2Comments