Returned Pay Liabilities superannuation payment
Hi, I have had a superannuation payment of $540.24 returned from Hesta Quicksuper on the 23/12/2024 relating to super for the month of November 24 (I pay monthly). I use the Pay Liabilities function not the Pay Super. I followed the instructions for "Returned Superannuation Contributions" via the desktop version. 1 - I recorded the returned super via Receive Money, choosing the Superannuation Payable category ie the Superannuation Payable (liability account). 2 - Then recorded a pay for the employee to reverse the super, choosing the period it relates to 01/11/2024 to 23/12/2024 (including the money returned date). 3 - Then reprocessed the super on the 9/01/2025, choosing the period as 01/11/2024 to 23/12/2024. But, then when I went to go and pay the December 2024 superannuation (right after I paid the reprocessed super), the employees super balance was $0.00!! And yes, they worked. The balance sheet and GL was not out, it included the $540.24. The Payroll Summary reports it less without the $540.24. So just to get the super paid, i manually added the $540.24 to the amount that was showing on the Payroll Summary and paid it at the bank. Now my Bank Reconciliation is not matching. Can you please advise where I have gone wrong?Solved194Views0likes1Comment