Invoice form - Description with multiple lines and multiple descriptions not lining up with individual amounts
Hi, I am trying to modify a service invoice template because I am having issues with the description not marrying up to the cost if the description is more than one line long. If I enter description details that run for more than one line, then add another that also runs for more than one line and so on, I cannot get the descripton line to line up with the cost relating to it. It shuffles all of the costs to the top of the column and becomes confusing. It is common for me to enter multiple description lines per invoice. Does anyone have any ideas how I can get each description line to line up with it's cost please? Thanks, Jenni437Views0likes2CommentsMYOB Web Version Cutting off Invoice Templates
When I create invoices using MYOB's web version ("opened in web browser") and save the invoice to PDF using a pre-made template (that was originally created in MYOB), it's cutting off/cropping some of the information at the bottom. I've seen other people complain about this and it hasn't been addressed. Does anybody have a fix for it? And I shouldn't have to create a new template either. The templates are all perfectly fine in the software version of MYOB but it's important for my employees to be able to export invoices within the web version. Thanks everyone.