Tracking employee onboarding requests sent out & being notified when they are completed

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Tracking employee onboarding requests sent out & being notified when they are completed

The employee onboarding looks great. However, I'd like to know:


1. How can we track requests that have been sent out other than manually keeping a list? I looked to the Sent Emails log to see if maybe there was a record of the request being sent there,  and importantly, if it had been sent successfully (though I suspect the backend works differently for this function). I also looked to my emails to see if there was some kind of notification.


2. Other than logging in to check the file, how do we know if these have been actioned? I also looked for an email to notify me that a form had been lodged when testing this out. Only realising on pay day that it has not been done will be problematic, and checking the file every day is not a practical solution in many instances.


3. Does the employee receive any kind of reminder to complete the onboarding form?


Am I missing something obvious, something less obvous (in which case please make it more so), or is there no such tracking in place?


Thank you!




Melinda van Dyk
MproV Pty Ltd

Adelaide SA
P: 0413 159 791
F: 08 8125 6748
MYOB Certified Consultant

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Re: Tracking employee onboarding requests sent out & being notified when they are completed

Hi @Melinda_vanDyk , sorry for the late reply.  Unfortunately there isn't tracking on the request email at the moment. But within an hour of the employee submitting their online form, an employee card will be created for them in your AccountRight company file. You can open the card to check their submitted details (Card File command centre > Cards List > Employee tab > click to open the employee's card).


Once their card is in AccountRight, you can check details like their personal and contact details on the Profile tab and their bank details on the Payment Details tab. Emergency contact details will be added to the Notes field on the Card Details tab.


If their card isn't in AccountRight, it's because they haven't completed the form. If the employee hasn't received the email I would get them to check their spam folder. 


Hope this helps, 


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