Forum Discussion

InterlineBrie's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Another companies information on my invoice

My customer emailed me late last week to tell me that I had sent them another company's invoice. Upon opening the link supplied in the original emailed they replied to, I was greeted with my company's letter head but any part of the invoice that was generated by autofill fields was from a company in Victoria.


How do I know this? I called the phone number listed down the bottom of the invoice which was an autofill field that now had their phone number in it.

I called the company and asked if they use MYOB and they were shocked and uneasy I was requesting this information. When I explained that there had been a cross over and I read out their invoice number, customer invoicing details and what was invoiced they believed that this was not some weird hoax (well I hope that's the case). 


Was this a random occurence or is there a bug in the system that I should be aware of?

Thank you kindly for your time.

17 Replies

  • This is so bad ! such a massive breach of privacy. This happened to us about 3 months ago. Myob brushed us off and had no explanation and denied it was 'a thing' then it happened again yesterday. My customer and us now know of a lady in Vic whos undergoing behavioural therapy treatement as well as her address and contact details.... Im sure she would not be thrilled about that!  


    Not to mention how incompetent we look to our customers when they recieve a random invoice...


    Why is this happening? What is the solution? What is Myob doing about this?

    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi @everyone,

      Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum! I'm sorry to hear that you were having a problem about your invoices. I really appreciate your patience and understanding about this issue and I do apologize for the delayed response.

      If you are finding something unusual on your invoices such as incorrect amounts or contact information for the client, it is recommended that you do review the invoice and company information in your MYOB Business to ensure that the details are correct.

      Please do let me know how you go on this.

      • InterlineBrie's avatar
        Contributing User

        Not good enough, in the slightest.


        MYOB glitched beyond an acceptable level, and that response is not good enough.

        The error lays somewhere in your company's coding that allowed a completely different company's file to be visible.

    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi professormac and InterlineBrie

      My apologies for the late response. I have escalated this matter to the appropriate team for further investigation. Your patience and understanding regarding this issue are greatly appreciated. I will provide an update as soon as I have more information. 

      Kind regards,

      • professormac's avatar
        Experienced User

        It happend AGAIN to me today. My business name is Professor Mac, and I emailed an invoice for $165 to my client Anthony Smith using MYOB Essentials. Anthony received an invoice from me, but for $0 addressed to HSA Internal Jobs, Po Box 6798 Shepparton Vic 3630 (see attached invoice). In other words another MYOB user's private invoice.


        This is a severe and urgent security bug in your system that has existing for 6 months and is yet to be fixed. You guys are absolutely appalling.

  • Hi InterlineBrie 


    Yours is the 3rd or 4th such post I have read over the past 3-4 weeks, so clearly something is going wrong somewhere. MYOB tend to take the discussion offline so there is now explanation for the issue, its cause or its resolution.


    Hope you sort it out and update this post once you work out what happened. 


    Also wondering did the Victorian company also use MYOB online? If yes, there might well be a crossover bug on MYOB's online system.




  • I experienced the same issue today. Unbelivable that there is such a dangerous bug with such severe privacy issues. 


    Sean_DC should I PM you the details to investigate?

    • Sean_DC's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi professormac 


      Thank you for posting. Yes, you may send me a private message to discuss further. Please include the following details as well:


      • Serial Number
      • Company File ID (Help >> About MYOB AccountRight)
      • Account Name (Company Name)
      • Your full name and email address


  • Sean_DC's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi InterlineBrie 


    Thank you for your post. 

    I'd be happy to assist you with this. I would need the following details sent through private message to investigate further: 


    • Serial Number
    • Account Name (Company Name)
    • Your full name and email address
    • Screenshots of the invoice related to your post

    Let me know if you have any clarifications.