Blog Post

MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #49

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
11 years ago

Hi all,


We were really pleased this week to release our new AccountRight update. 2013.3 is a significant step forward towards our goal of ensuring AccountRight Live is the fastest online accounting solution on the market. We are encouraging users to upgrade their software as soon as possible.


Here’s an example of how fast AccountRight 2013.3 is compared to its predecessor. The video shows the time taken to record an 8-line item invoice in 2013.3 compared to 2013.2, which was released in late June.



As mentioned in our community update last week, our development team made improving the speed and performance of AccountRight our top priority earlier this year based on overwhelming feedback from clients, including many posts on this Community Forum.


We have appreciated your patience while this work has been undertaken, and hope you are pleased by the results of the team’s work so far.


Last week we posted a glimpse of what you can expect from 2013.3, focusing on the types of users that will benefit most, while this week on the AccountRight Blog you can read in much more detail about what the release contains


We welcome your feedback about the update, and can assure you that we’re not finished yet. We decided that our approach would be to tackle performance piece by piece until your feedback told us we’ve hit the mark in every area. You can look forward to more significant improvements in the 2013.4 update, especially in relation to payroll.  


The new release prompted plenty of activity on the Community Forum this week. Another 315 new members joined the community and over 550 posts were submitted, including 250 from MYOB staff.


Our top contributors this week were Murray_McKenzie, Geoff_, CathieR, gavin12345 and Julie_A_C. The community really appreciates your assistance – it’s fantastic that you spend so much time to share your expertise. Extra thanks to Geoff_, jenniek, Julie_A_C who had multiple posts marked as Accepted Solutions.


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
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