Blog Post

MYOB Announcements

Forum weekly update #51

JasonHill's avatar
Former Staff
11 years ago

Hi all,


It was great to meet so many MYOB Partners this week at our Partner Connection event in Melbourne. I was sorry I couldn’t get around to everyone, but feel free to contact me anytime you want to chat.


One of the most common discussion points among Partners I spoke to was harnessing the power of online to help grow their business.


It was fantastic to hear so many Partners talking enthusiastically about how AccountRight Live and LiveAccounts was changing the way they work. Many said it had helped improve their life/work balance, particularly with less time travelling. Going Live had also enabled them to provide ongoing advice to clients throughout the year because they always had constant visibility of how their businesses were performing.


Many Partners were also keen to chat about how social media could be harnessed to boost their business. I was surprised that many didn’t even have a simple website. They were certainly keen to address that shortfall (MYOB Atlas can help!) as well as employing tools like Facebook, Twitter and this Community Forum to build stronger relationships with existing clients and connect with new prospects.


We encourage small business owners to regularly visit our Pulse blog where you will find hundreds of useful articles with helpful information and thought-provoking ideas, including how to use social media. You can leave comments on the blogs to connect with the blog authors and other blog readers. We also have our Mind your own business board here on the Community Forum which we encourage you to use. You can discuss the challenges of running your business, ask questions and share experiences and advice.


It was another busy week on the Community Forum, with over 220 new members and over 500 posts, including over 170 from MYOB staff. Our top contributors this week were Julie_A_C, jenniek, Tazinx, Geoff_ and Nic-acc-addons.


Julie_A_C had the most posts marked as Accepted Solutions this week.  Jenniek, Mike_James, Seattle and Tazinx also had multiple Solution posts.


A big thanks to all those community members who shared their knowledge, wisdom and expertise on the forum this week.


Love your work,


Jason Hill

Community Manager 

Updated 11 years ago
Version 4.0
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