formatting of GL report customisations
I was able to create some text on a GL report in the report customisation area by importing an object.
Initally I contacted MYOB to ask how to do it. I was told to use either a text or memo field.
But using these fields I cannot line up the text if I want lines like this (all lined up):-
text text $5,126,300
text text $5,126,300
Total $5,126,000 (want a double line under here)
It ends up like this all out of alignment.
text text $5,126,000
text text $5,126,000
Total $5,126,000
I contacted MYOB and the rep did not know how to do it.
She took a copy of the company file.
Days later I got a reply from another myob agent and he also did not know how to do it.
In the meantime I was able to create the layout on a word document and import it as an object.
And it worked. It was lined up and I had a double line under the total figure.
So I told the MYOB agent I didn't need any help.
But because of the time I spent figuring it out it angerer my boss who stated that what needed to be achieved with regards to the layout could be done in a memo format.
But I cannot see how. If I use memo or text the information won't line up and I cannot put a double line under the total.
Also I noticed that when I imported the object because I had the word file on my PC when the ledger is opened on another computer the whole lot is missing and I needed to put the word document on the server and link it again as an object.
I am self taught in MYOB AO because learning is not shared in the CA industry and I still don't know the advanced areas properly. I am hoping that there is someone who is experienced in report customisations. Thanks