Hi there JoB913,
Regarding the error message you received, I would suggest reaching out to your IT person for more information. Once you have Notepad++ which is available in Software Centre (just type the words Software center into the Windows Start menu) and the recommended setup step: Go to View, Show Symbols, select Show all characters. In addition, follow the steps below:
- Open the EMPDUPE file in notepad ++
- From the Search menu choose Find Characters in Range
- Select Non-ASCII Characters and click Find. Notepad ++ will then display where the invalid character is.
- Click on the top of notepad ++ application and the cursor will flash just after the invalid character. In the example below the invalid character is a SPACE.
- Repeat until all invalid characters are removed.
- Once done, fix the data in the AccountRight or Essentials software and recreate the EMPDUPE file.
Best regards,