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Myob File confirmation
Hi, I cannot confirm my MYOB file online (2013.5 version), and have been directed to MOCA to request a license file. I put in a support request on Tuesday 04/02/25 and still have not had a reply and it is now Friday 07/02/25. Businesses cannot be waiting that long for a response, especially when MYOB is essentially forcing us to confirm our files every 3 months for literally no reason other than trying to make us pay for subscription for software we purchased outright and have a legal right to use.4Views0likes0CommentsError trying to refresh token
Testing on POSTMAN a POST request to with x-www-form-urlencoded data: client_id: ... client_secret: ... grant_type: refresh_token refresh_token: ... it is returning 400 bad request: { "error": "invalid_grant", "error_description": "The provided authorization grant (e.g., authorization code, resource owner credentials) or refresh token is invalid, expired, revoked, does not match the redirection URI used in the authorization request, or was issued to another client." } What is wrong?6Views0likes2CommentsUh-oh! The numbers dont add up.
Hello all. Revisiting my C# SDK code after a long time, and upgrading it to net8, I ran into the issue described in this thread. I did not use webview2 but skipped to this part. When I run, I get an Error description The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. The 'redirect_uri' parameter does not match any of the OAuth 2.0 Client's pre-registered redirect urls13Views0likes1CommentC# WebBrowser -> WebView2 solution
Hi Here is a solution for those with C#.NET apps that need to update the internal browser their desktop app invokes when OAuth is required due to breaking changes enforced by MYOB in Aug 2024. In summary, you need to replace WebBrowser with WebView2 (NuGet: Microsoft.Web.WebView2) If you used the MYOB template of many years ago, you can replace OAuthLogin.GetAuthorizationCode with this: public static async Task<string> GetAuthorizationCode(IApiConfiguration config) { // Format the URL for the OAuth server login string url = string.Format("{0}?client_id={1}&redirect_uri={2}&scope={3}&response_type=code", CsOAuthServer, config.ClientId, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(config.RedirectUrl), CsOAuthScope); // Create a new form with WebView2 var frm = new Form(); var webView2 = new WebView2 { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; frm.Controls.Add(webView2); // Set up a TaskCompletionSource to signal when the form can close var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<string>(); // Subscribe to NavigationCompleted to capture the OAuth redirect webView2.CoreWebView2InitializationCompleted += (sender, args) => { if (args.IsSuccess) { // Navigate to the OAuth login URL webView2.CoreWebView2.Navigate(url); } }; // Capture the URL in NavigationStarting webView2.NavigationStarting += (sender, args) => { // Store the URI when navigation starts _currentUri = args.Uri; }; // Use NavigationCompleted to check if the URI contains the authorization code webView2.NavigationCompleted += (sender, args) => { if (_currentUri.Contains("code=")) { // Extract the authorization code from the URL string code = ExtractAuthorizationCode(_currentUri); // Signal the TaskCompletionSource that the form can close with the code tcs.SetResult(code); // Close the form frm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)(() => frm.Close())); } }; // Initialize WebView2 control asynchronously await webView2.EnsureCoreWebView2Async(null); frm.Size = new Size(800, 600); frm.Show(); // Wait until the TaskCompletionSource is signaled (form is closed) string authCode = await tcs.Task; return authCode; } Notes: 1. Change the call to the updated method to include an await: _oAuthKeyService.OAuthResponse = oauthService.GetTokens(await OAuthLogin.GetAuthorizationCode(_configurationCloud)); 2. Make the containing method async private async void Login() 3. You will probably get a brief flash of 'Failed navigation' as the http://desktop redirect page is shown before the form drops away. Maybe someone can sort that. Ironically, I don't need this code any more based on what I have been forced to learn this weekend.1.1KViews4likes38CommentsTraining program for Accountright
just started a training program with a company and they don't supply a version on MYOB account right to use for the study. Does any one know if there is one out there to download onto the computer for free or at least a period of time longer than 14 days? MYOB does a six month one but i thinks its only for the Essential online and i am not game to download it yet until i get to that section, i am learning both version for employment hope there are some suggestions out there Jenny21Views0likes3CommentsLast Modified field
Hello. I am currently using the MYOB API with OData to fetch records based on their last modified date. I successfully found the LastModified field in endpoints related to Customers, Suppliers, and Jobs. However, I couldn't locate a similar field for Purchase Bill Item. Could you please confirm whether this field is available for Purchase Bill Item? If not, is there a recommended workaround to retrieve records based on their last modified date? I appreciate your guidance on this matter.16Views0likes1CommentSudden Error 404 on API request.
Greetings. I am a developer of the NFP donation management system "dTracker". (Developer account 10463272.) One of our users, Navigators (Client account 7451599) has suddenly started to get a Server Error "404 - File or directory not found" when dTracker attempts to get a list of Job Codes. There seems to be no apparent reason for this error. It does not use the MYOB API Client and this part of our code has not been changed since Aug 2021. The system has been working fine up to last week and as far as I can see, there isn't any problems with the request data. Thank you, James12Views0likes1CommentMy ob is not working properly
In MYOB accounting right V.19.5, From last week it's not working properly. when I search anything its loading and get too much time to generate the data meantime it will refreshing the data. the refreshing is continuously happen loop mood. Every time I need to close the MYOB and login again at that time there is a error "Unable to open file; file may be locked or in use, or access privilege may be incorrect". or "user has already log in another location". If anyone can help me? because My works are now pending..26Views0likes4CommentsIMS - missing Chrome extension
I am trying to log into our IMS payroll but am being asked to download the Go Global Extension and install however when I try this am getting the message 'This extension is no longer available because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extension'. What am I supposed to do from here as I cannot access the program to complete payroll for my staff. Anyone having this problem also or any fixes out there?9Views0likes1Commentchange email
Ok so outlook updated and now i cant use my normal email address i used to login into myob!!!!!!! yep and im **bleep** about that to start with so i tried to change email address in MYOB and now i cant login im so over technology it really is a time wasting **bleep** of a system can someone from MYOB either sort it out for me or ring me on 0418140488 to sort it out asap as i need it to run my business. by the way old email address that is not working is, new one i need to use is hoping to hear from someone asap as i need to get sorted fast cheers Greg17Views0likes1CommentError message
Account Edge 9.5 Error messsage Serial number or registration code is incorrect. We are trying to get a file confirmation code. It does not work with the code from the MYOB consultant and it does not work with the file code generated in my browser (Chrome) Help please!21Views0likes1CommentAPI Developer Access
Is it possible to have an all around API Access to any MYOB Account? Example: MYOB_1 API access can be used to multiple accounts, (MYOB_2, MYOB_3) just by using one API Key from MYOB_1? or is it unique per every account? The purpose is for automation/integration. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20Views0likes1CommentTFN for foreign resident interfering with Super payment
Hi I had a staff member who only worked a few shifts. He is a foreign resident with no TFN. As per the ATO website, I used the TFN 111 111 111 and processed his pay and he paid the higher tax rate. When I go to process his super I get the error saying 'You need to enter a valid Tax File Number for this employee'. He never gave me a tax file number and how he's left. He is using his own superfund - not the business nominated fund. Is there a way I can process his super payment? Thanks in advance19Views0likes1CommentMYOB Teams - Roster existing staff with higher duties and different pay rates
Hi I have had a look at the MYOB Teams and roster application which looks good and would enable me to stop having to use a 3rd party roster and timesheet application i.e. be great to just do it all in MYOB. However we have a lot of casual and some full time staff who will regularly be rostered on for a higher roll which attracts a higher hourly rate of pay. I cannot see how we can set this on the actual Teams Roster as it just seems to have you enter their hours as opposed to list their job role and thus trigger higher duties hourly rate. I have raised and Support Ticket which said this feature is not available which is surprising given its would be quite a common requirement. The work-around provided was to enter all this in manually which defeats the purpose of automating the roster and payroll process. A second point is it would be good to be able to write an award rule so it knows to compute breaks etc. We have all these payroll categories setup so its really just a matter of somehow having them be accessible in the MYOB Teams Roster application. Not sure if anyone else had similar issue or if this is on the development wish list? Thanks in advance.290Views0likes3CommentsCustomised forms not being picked up by AEPro18.5
Hi all, I had a Mac meltdown last week. I had to wipe my drive and reload successive operating systems to get back to Mojave, which is where MYOB eventually decided not to update the product or offer support any more. When I reloaded my most recent MYOB backup from dropbox, all my work from the last backup was there, but the customised forms for invoices and statements are not available. They appear in a folder within the application folder on my computer, but they are not options to select in MYOB. Any ideas how to get them back without having to redraw them again? Cheers Neville12Views0likes2CommentsJust Invoices V1.2
Hello I am trying to re install on a new computer from original CD and have the serial number, the download works but once I am prompted to register the product i get an error message "sorry the product was not registered! Restart Myob justinvoices and start again" I have tied several times and same message. It works on an older computer ?33Views0likes1Comment