Problem with orderby on JobRegister query
I use the .NET SDK in a custom reporting application. The client using it makes extensive use of Jobs in the MYOB usage, and there are a small number of top-level jobs that represent their operational departments. Most of these have a number of sub-Jobs down to 2 or 3 levels deep. Every transaction is assigned to a Job. I recently had to make a query to the JobRegister endpoint, and I wanted to order the results by Account/DisplayID and then Job/Number. My filter string looks like this:
$filter=Year eq 2024 and Activity ne 0&$orderby=Account/DisplayID,Job/Number
This is rejected by MYOB with Bad Request. I have not been able to come up with a syntax that MYOB will accept, so I am obviously missing something here. If I remove the orderby part, it works fine. I have used orderby in many other queries, but I have not had to specify the field in a nested way as above. So, what am I doing wrong here? Thanks.