Forum Discussion

Luke_Rigg's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Credit Card Allocation problems

It seems nearly everytime i get a customer paying by card, allocating in bank transactions is a different problem everytime! It really is a nightmare. Pretty much never automatically allocates and i have to muck around with it manually.


This time the customer has paid the invoice with their card yesterday, i got the email saying its been paid, MYOB shows the invoice is paid and has closed it, yet this morning i have the unallocated line in bank transactions.


I cant match it with the invoice because MYOB has closed the invoice!


How do i allocate this transaction line?

  • Hi Luke_Rigg

    Thanks for your response and I'm sorry to hear that you don't have information regarding correcting this.  


    I apologize for the experience. Unfortunately, I won't be able to provide phone support or correct the setup on my end. Also, you haven't confirmed if the Undeposited Funds ledger account is the incorrect bank account. If it is an incorrect bank account, please follow these instructions. 


    To move the transaction from the undeposited funds to the correct bank account. 

    1. Open the Banking > Transfer Money window. 
    2. Choose the Undeposited funds for the "Bank Account From".
    3. Choose the Correct bank account to the "Bank Account To".
    4. Choose the correct date of transaction and input the amount of the transaction you need to transfer.

    To correct the setup. 

    1. Click the name of the business (upper right corner of the screen).
    2. Click Sales setting > Payments Tab > Online Invoice Payments setting.
    3. Choose the ledger account.

    A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

     Also, I recommend reading this article, Online invoice payments. As previously mentioned, this contains all information regarding how online invoice payments work. 


    Let us know if you require any further assistance.





  • jmconsulting's avatar
    Experienced User

    Luke, I get this issue also. It randomly chooses to allocate the Myob Payby online payments to an invoice. It also seems to randomly include the surcharge, making it impossible to allocate it. I spent a whole day on the phone to MYOB a couple of weeks ago, being transferred from one lovely consultant to another, and each time I would have to start explaining from the very beginning what the issue was. It's still not resolved.


    I hope you get some luck with it - I'll be watching this thread to see how it goes!



    • Luke_Rigg's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi jmconsulting,


      Genreve_S latest reply worked re transferring to the correct account. After i did the transfer, i could then allocate to that trnasfer in Bank Transactions.


      It still shouldnt happen though. The 'To correct the setup' suggestion in the same reply is already set to exactly mentioned...

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Luke_Rigg

    Thanks for posting your concern in the forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your issue with matching the bank transaction to the payment recorded in the system. There are a lot of possibilities why this doesn't automatically match. One of which is if the transaction that the system has recorded to close the invoice is already marked check or reconciled in the Reconcile Accounts window. Also, may I get you to check the Banking > Bank rules window, to see if the "Automatically match bank transactions to MYOB bills and invoices" button is turned on? 


    I recommend reading through the article, Online Invoice payments. This would give you more information for matching the bank transactions. 


    Let us know if you require any further assistance. 




    • Luke_Rigg's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Genreve,


      Yes the button is set to active.


      There isnt anything in that article that helps my current situation. I just need the system to work lol.


      I have no idea what to do with this transaction now. Probably going to have to delete the invoice and start again.





      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Luke_Rigg


        Thanks for the response. 


        I appreciate you for confirming that the button is active. May I also confirm if the said transaction is already reconciled or marked checked in the Reconcile Accounts window? 


        We look forward to your response. 



  • MF_SD's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I am having the same problem. Have you fix it? If so can you please advise me how you did it?


    • jmconsulting's avatar
      Experienced User

      You can’t! MYOB will continue to have the problem, while they continue to increase fees, and all the while ensuring your data is non-exportable so it locks you into their services. 

    • Luke_Rigg's avatar
      Experienced User

      Nope... Still the same. For me its happening with a first time credit card payer. The second time they pay with card, it works fine.

  • MF_SD's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Oh so you no longer have the problem. I can not reconcile my account as I have these transaction outstanding, which it killing me.


    • Luke_Rigg's avatar
      Experienced User

      Sorry, i meant its not fixed. I still have the problem. This is my procedure ive saved, but im still left with the surcharge lines open. Ive got about 30 of them. My accountant doesnt even know what to do with them, yet everything still balances.


      My Procedure:

      To move the transaction from the "undeposited funds account" to "Business bank account 1". 

      Open the Banking > Transfer Money window. 
      From the "Bank Account From" drop down box, choose "Undeposited Funds".
      From the "Bank Account To" drop down box, choose "Business Bank Account #1".
      Choose the correct date of transaction and input the amount of the transaction you need to transfer.
      Press "Record"
      Then match the the Transfer line in "Bank Transactions" (Where you normally match transaction lines). It will be a 'TR00008' Reference number or similar

  • Luke_Rigg's avatar
    Experienced User

    I think its fixed now. I had 2x customers pay by card the other day. They both paid on the same day, but whats weird is the way it came through the bank tranactions. Both payments were one line which was confusing. But it matched (Well i had to tick the box myself) and it marked both invoices as paid. Both these customers are new to me and have never paid by card, which is when i had the original problem.

    • Shella_A's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi Luke_Rigg


      It's good to hear that the card payment issue seems to be resolved now. As for bank transactions, it can indeed be a bit confusing when multiple payments come through as one line. However, as long as you manually match them and the invoices are marked as paid, it should be fine. If this continues to be a source of confusion or if there are any disruptions, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help you further!



      Kind regards,


    • LocksmithTom's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi Luke, is it fixed now because you are using the above method you mentioned or did it seem to just sort it's self out?
      Prior to MYOB merchant fees being taken out before receiving funds into bank my procedure was;
      Accounting > General Journals
      Source Journal (ALL) then Search the Merchant Fee $Amount (found on the emailed MYOB Remittance)
      Delete the Fee Collected, then i was able to then delete the invoiced payment, (unlocking the invoice)
      This would then enable me to then edit the invoice to incorporate the fee in the invoice then allocate the payment received which consisted the combined total (including the fee) deposited into bank account so i could then allocate the transaction.


      But now that the merchant fee is taken out prior to banking you would think that auto allocation by MYOB shouldn't be a problem however it does not allocate but it does close the invoice which means if i need to allocate it manually i need to unlock the invoice first by removing the payment from Journal again however now i'm unable to do this...

      The whole point of this software is to make running a business easier and spend less time on this stuff.

      (Still need help if anyone can assist)
      Regards Tom

      • Luke_Rigg's avatar
        Experienced User

        It sorted itself out. I still have a buttload of unalloacted merchant fee lines from when it didnt work properly though. Not even my Accountant knows what to do with them... The bank still balances so we just ignore it.


        It was such a mess. Ridiculous.


        Honestly wish they would just admit theres a problem and say theyre working on fixing it. Thats what i do in business!