Latest topicsSecure Invoicing - Help pls. I am now unable to send out Supplier invoices - MYOB is saying I need to upgrade to secure invoicing to email this invoice? I completed the upgrade steps days ago - only because I had to - now await...Unable to Allocate a bank transaction to a Supplier Bill Hi, I am trying to allocate a monthly payment against our workers comp invoice direct from the bank transactions. I have had no trouble for the past 10 months. The supplier, amount & direct de...SolvedPayroll dates How can I change an incorrect paid date on the completed payroll? SolvedBPay details not displaying Our BPay Biller Code and Reference have stopped displaying on our invoices in the last few days. I haven't changed any settings and the box for BPay in the settings is still ticked.
Most RecentMost ViewedNo Solutions YetSecure Invoicing - Help pls. I am now unable to send out Supplier invoices - MYOB is saying I need to upgrade to secure invoicing to email this invoice? I completed the upgrade steps days ago - only because I had to - now awaiting MYOB to verify the information. How long does this take? How am I supposed to keep my business moving when I'm sitting on my hands now. I do not want this feature nor do I want to offer it to my clients - anyone know how to get around this - I just want to switch the feature off & be able to send my invoices out as normal. I've sent a support request but how long that could take ? Unable to Allocate a bank transaction to a Supplier Bill Hi, I am trying to allocate a monthly payment against our workers comp invoice direct from the bank transactions. I have had no trouble for the past 10 months. The supplier, amount & direct debit all remain the same. I can locate the Supplier bill in purchases with an outstanding balance but it is not an option for payment allocation. Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou SolvedPayroll dates How can I change an incorrect paid date on the completed payroll? SolvedBPay details not displaying Our BPay Biller Code and Reference have stopped displaying on our invoices in the last few days. I haven't changed any settings and the box for BPay in the settings is still ticked. Recuring Invoices not working I setup some recurring invoices for some customers who need to pay off some club fees over a couple of weeks. I have set up the number of times the recurring invoice needs to be issued, selected an item and divided the item cost over x amount of weeks. I set the recurring invoice up last night for the first to be issued today. When I checked the recurring list it says the action has been performed and it has one less invoice to issue, however when I check my invoices, there isn't anything there. Have I done something wrong? Thanks Increase Billing Name & Address Font Size We have just migrated to Business Pro after using AccountRight for many years and whilst I understand there are limitations with Business Pro, I find the sales invoice customisation very limiting and have a huge concern with the billing name and address format. Is there a way to increase the size of the font as we have to post many of our sales invoices to customers but the name and address font is very small that I worry Australia Post will have difficulty reading along with our clients too, as most are elderly. Also, the customer name appears in italics which is definitely not desirable as it makes it even harder to read. I've attached copy of a partial sales invoice. Thanks in advance. Recording credit card payments against invoices Our credit card payments come through in daily payments - an agglomeration of all the previous day's payments. Occasionally, one of our customers who has paid via CC will ask for a Tax Invoice - but I'm unable to record a payment against this as I can't split the CC payments up against individual invoices if the amounts don't match. If I record a manual payment this puts our accounting out of whack as they effectively get double counted (as the payment is actually included in the daily CC reconcilliation). What's the best way to deal with this scenario? Currently I just issue the invoice then delete! Recurring invoices - Recurring PO's We need the ability to be able to save Purchase Orders in Recurring Invoice templates. Some customers have recurring jobs and provide one Purchase Order covering say 6-12 months of services. There should be an option to save the PO as part of a recurring invoice template. Downgrading from ARplus to MYOB Lite HI Is it possible for a client to go from Account Right to Myob Lite. The size of their file would be much more suited to Myob lite. Would we be able to transfer their data? Thanks in advance for your help SolvedApproving Managers To Delete and Amend Leave Currently, once leave is approved in MYOBTeams, it cannot be amended or deleted. There are times when an employee decides not to take pre-approved leave. Suggestion to have a function that allows deletion or amending leave on MYOB app and MYOBTeams. Balanced sheet not balanced Hi Guys, It seems that my balanced sheet is not balanced. I am not sure what to do. It started in the year 2016 and ever since the balance is off by $754.06. Best Regards, Duncan can not download bank files i did not changes any thing but when i using the Prepare electronic payments keeps showing The payment details for one or more of the employees you have selected are missing. Please update these details. Please select at least one transaction to include in the bank file. i have check all my employees details they all in there and not being changed . i trid download bank file one by one still not working . Option to add a Job Code in the General Ledger Report It would be helpful if we can have the option to add a JOB CODE in the GL Report similar the Desktop version. Also, the option to export existing Job list. Missing Paid $15000 invoice We have had a client pay an invoice with the credit facility on the MYOB invoices. The client has provided the bank copy on there end to show payment was made however we haven't receive the payment. This payment has gone missing for 2 months with no action from MYOB except for one return email acknowledging the error and assuring the funds would be cleared with in 24 hours . That was over four week ago and numerous endeavors in contacting someone to find this money. We have contacted MYOB over 6 times in regards to this missing $15000 payment with no support in finding this money. What are you doing MYOB? Allow hiding of transactions in Bank Feeds This facility is present in Account Right and I do use it. Select Pay Item When Entering Timesheet in MYOB Team Currently in MYOB Team there is no way to select a payroll item when entering hours in the timesheet in the Team App. It would be great for this field to be selectable, so that we don't have to fix every timesheet that comes though as Base Hourly, and reallocate to Overtime, Weekend Hours, etc. Convert Quote to Sales Order - Browser Version Please add the ability to convert the quote to a sales order, like what is available in the desktop version. This function is imperative to the flow of our business, and in maintaining sound financial records. Is anyone else having trouble with Myob logging, it only allows me to read but does not save changes or new information It says to contact the administrator to gain access. Unable to login to MYOB Team I have this issue as approving manager and one of my employee has the same issue. We are using the same email as assigned. We have also deleted and re downloaded the app and updated it and still no luck. Please help 🙏 Hiding transactions bank feeds In account right you can just right click and hide transaction, in business you do not have that ability, I called MYOB yesterday and they were going to delete for me the ones requested, good news I thought, although I could have done without the wait on the phone. Got a msg this morning that they were not able to do as there were other transactions on selected dates that we coded and reconciled. Come on MYOB we need to be able to hide transactions in MYOB Business.