Forum Discussion

sajju's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Getting Validation exception error while trying to post a service bill using .Net SDK API

Hi Guys,


I am trying to post a purchase bill service using .Net SDK. Getting a validation exception error. So far I was unable to figure out why. Can anybody guide me on this? Here's the code that I am using.


//Create new invoice of type Purchase(Bill)/Service
var billService = new ServiceBillService(GlobalConfig.ConfigurationLocal);
var serviceBill = new ServiceBill();
var supplierLink = new SupplierLink();
Guid supplierGuid = new Guid(supplierGuidString); // Ensure UID is of existing supplier

//Add supplier to invoice, add invoice number and date
supplierLink.UID = supplierGuid;
serviceBill.Supplier = supplierLink;
serviceBill.SupplierInvoiceNumber = master.InvoiceNo;
serviceBill.Date = DateTime.ParseExact(master.Date, "d", null);

//'Create list of invoice lines
var lines = new List<ServiceBillLine>();


foreach (var d in details)
//Add Line details
var line = new ServiceBillLine();
line.Type = InvoiceLineType.Transaction;

var accountLink = new AccountLink();
accountLink.UID = d.AccountUID;

var jobLink = new JobLink();
jobLink.UID = d.JobUID;

var taxCodeLink = new TaxCodeLink();
taxCodeLink.UID = d.TaxUID;

line.Account = accountLink;
line.Description = d.Description;
line.Job = jobLink;
line.TaxCode = taxCodeLink;
line.Total = d.Amount;

//Add line details to list of invoice line


//Add service lines to service bill
serviceBill.Lines = lines;

//Push new invoice details (service bill) through to cf using insert method from the bill service
billService.Insert(GlobalConfig.CompanyFile, serviceBill, GlobalConfig.CompanyFileCredentials);


What am I doing here wrong?





  • I don't think those fields are required but you could try.

    My guess is that it it something to do with the line.Total. I think this is restricted to 2 decimal places.


    I haven't tried this with validation errors but I think if you cast your exception to ApiValidationException then you can access a collection of errors which may give you more information. Something like this:


    System.Collections.Generic.IList<MYOB.AccountRight.SDK.Error> ErrList = ((ApiValidationException)(TheException)).Errors;

  • Hi sajju,


    The InnerException may explain what the validation error is. Have a look at:


    catch (ApiCommunicationException ex) //Catch database exception
        string myValErrStr= ex.InnerException.Message;



    • sajju's avatar
      Contributing User

      InnerException.Message is "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.".


      Wonder whether we need to provide the following also for a service line

      //line.UnitCount = 0;
      //line.UnitOfMeasure = "";
      //line.UnitPrice = 0;
      //line.UnitPriceForeign = 0;
      //line.DiscountPercent = 0;


      Please clarify.

      • John_Dinning's avatar
        Trusted User

        I don't think those fields are required but you could try.

        My guess is that it it something to do with the line.Total. I think this is restricted to 2 decimal places.


        I haven't tried this with validation errors but I think if you cast your exception to ApiValidationException then you can access a collection of errors which may give you more information. Something like this:


        System.Collections.Generic.IList<MYOB.AccountRight.SDK.Error> ErrList = ((ApiValidationException)(TheException)).Errors;