Forum Discussion

James_Brading's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
6 years ago

Advanced Bank Feeds EAP

Hi all,

The team has been working away on the integration of MYOB Bank Feeds into Advanced and we are now at a point where we want to start putting the functionality in front of partners and some users as part of an EAP to gain some feedback on the work that has been done.


Inside this posting, I will outline the:

  • The functional scope of the EAP
  • The EAP process and expectations relating to the program
  • Candidate sites we are looking for
  • Preparation for the EAP

If you do not read the full detail below, please read the summary at the bottom.


Functional scope

The bank feeds integration incorporates the application and delivery of bank feeds from the MYOB Bank Feeds service through to MYOB Advanced. The application process supports all types of accounts that are available through the MYOB Bank Feeds service. Practically this means:

  • Transactional accounts requiring paper-based applications
  • Transactional accounts requiring online applications
  • Credit card accounts

The scope of the bank feeds development does not incorporate any changes to the reconciliation process within MYOB Advanced. This functionality remains core functionality of MYOB Advanced.


Please be aware of one functional limitation that currently exists. Each MYOB Advanced client is assigned to either Australia or New Zealand. This assignment limits the financial institutions that a site can obtain bank feeds for to institutions for that country. This assignment is not a setting inside MYOB Advanced. This means that, for example, a company that is registered with MYOB as an Australian client will only be able to receive bank feeds from Australian banks, even if they have both Australian and New Zealand bank accounts. We are working on a resolution to this limitation.


EAP process

The intention behind the EAP is to get feedback and assist partners and clients with the processes associated to the application and retrieval of bank feeds. To support this, the MYOB development team will take a very hands-on approach to the program, working through the application process with the client and partner, and then supporting them through the initial retrieval of the feeds.


We would be looking for regular meetings with the client and partner to see how the client is using the functionality, getting their feedback and assisting where we can.

The nature of the functionality would require the EAP to be run against a client’s production system, as such the site will need to be upgraded to a specific version. We are currently working through the logistics of the version.


Candidate sites

Initially, we are looking for 10 sites to participate in the program, ideally from both Australia and New Zealand. Annette Doo (, the Development Lead for the team will be taking the lead for the EAP program so please can you contact her with any site nomination requests.


Preparation for the EAP

There will be some preparation steps required to participate in the EAP. This will involve the site being upgraded as mentioned earlier but will also require the site to nominate a person(s) that are authorized to apply for the bank feeds. These people will need to use 2FA to access Advanced and we will arrange for them to be setup inside the relevant MYOB systems.


There is a meeting being held on Friday 25 January at 2:30 PM NZT to go through the Bank Feeds EAP program. Please join the session to find out more about the program. Meeting details below:


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Auckland: 09 925 3582,,51744505# (nz9)                      English (Australia)

Christchurch: 03 983 2695,,51744505# (nz9)                                English (Australia)  

Melbourne: 03 9944 0100,,51744505# (nz9)                                English (Australia)  

USA: 833 864 4468,,51744505# (nz9)                             English (United States)  

Hong Kong: 800 931 591,,51744505# (nz9)                   English (Australia)  

United Kingdom: 0808 234 6999,,51744505# (nz9)                     English (United Kingdom)  

Singapore: 800 616 3276,,51744505# (nz9)                   English (Australia)  

Canada: 833 616 3276,,51744505# (nz9)                       English (United States)  


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Summary and next steps

  • The EAP covers the application for and retrieval of bank feeds
  • Initially, we are looking for 10 sites across Australia and NZ to participate in the EAP
  • The dev team is looking to take a very hands-on approach to assist clients and partners through the EAP with the application and retrieval process.
  • Annette Doo the Development Lead of the team will be the primary contact through the EAP process (
  • There are some preparation steps that need to be carried out
  • Please send through site nominations to Annette

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out



3 Replies

  • James_Brading's avatar
    MYOB Product Manager

    Hi all,


    A quick reminder of the Bank Feeds session this afternoon at 2:30 NZT.


    Everyone is welcome, even if you do not have sites for the EAP (we are still looking for a few more candidates though)



    à Join Skype Meeting      

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    Join by phone


    Auckland: 09 925 3582,,51744505# (nz9)                      English (Australia)

    Christchurch: 03 983 2695,,51744505# (nz9)                                English (Australia)  

    Melbourne: 03 9944 0100,,51744505# (nz9)                                English (Australia)  

    USA: 833 864 4468,,51744505# (nz9)                             English (United States)  

    Hong Kong: 800 931 591,,51744505# (nz9)                   English (Australia)  

    United Kingdom: 0808 234 6999,,51744505# (nz9)                     English (United Kingdom)  

    Singapore: 800 616 3276,,51744505# (nz9)                   English (Australia)  

    Canada: 833 616 3276,,51744505# (nz9)                       English (United States)  


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    Conference ID: 51744505

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