Forum Discussion

Angela_Maxwell's avatar
MYOB Staff
6 months ago

Advanced platform maintenance window - 21 January

Hi All,


A new platform maintenance plan has been created. The new window consists of a small set of customers. This infrastructure change will update our instance types which will affect the sites listed in the plan.


These maintenance tasks are required to ensure our platform infrastructure and services are robust and reliable. We will perform the maintenance on the weekend out of hours to reduce the interruption.


Date/Time - Sunday 21 January 10 pm NZT 

Site impact - Advanced site outage up to 2hrs

Action required - Please review the 2024PLATMAINTENANCEJAN window 2 plan in the partner self-service portal for details of the customer sites included in this window


Customer Notification:  In-product notification will be sent to subscribed System maintenance users of affected sites. Learn more about in-prod notifications here



Angela Maxwell

Associate product manager - Platform

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