Forum Discussion

MikeG1's avatar
MYOB Moderator
2 months ago

Partner Resource – MYOB Advanced Import Scenarios

Hi All, 

As part of our focus on providing useful resources to aid with your implementation work, the Partner Solution Engineering Team (PSET) are pleased to advise that we have made 44 Import Scenarios available for your use on Frontify. MYOB Advanced Import Scenarios assist you to streamline data entry by automatically transferring information from a file (like a spreadsheet) into your MYOB Advanced software.  

These Import Scenarios include a range from System, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Fixed Assets, Projects, Manufacturing and Payroll.
For a full list please refer to the Import Scenario Job Aid 

Terms of use and disclaimer: These demonstration materials are provided “as is” without formal review or quality control. Use is at your own risk. MYOB does not offer free-of-charge support, guidance, or issue resolution for these documents. Any required assistance may be subject to service requests and associated charges. MYOB disclaims responsibility for updates, quality, or suitability. Use signifies acceptance of these terms; if not, do not use the materials 

We hope you find these materials of assistance. 


Partner Solution Engineering Team (PSET)