Forum Discussion

Angela_Maxwell's avatar
MYOB Staff
5 months ago

Upgrade and deployments updates and new deployment window - 9 March

Hi All, 


We're well into the swing of Q1 upgrades with March upgrades  kicking off this week and upgrades continuing over the next 2 weeks. We'll conclude the March upgrades on Friday 22 March with our March tail window.


April window 1 sandboxes have been visible in the Partner self-service portal > Deployment plan from earlier this week and are fully accessible from today 8 March. If you still having issues with accessibility or the site is not upgraded next week then please log a support ticket. We are working on a sandbox status field to be visible in the deployment plan so you can track the progress of the sandbox provisioning and upgrade. 


We have resolved the issue which caused a number of demo sites to fail upgrade on 31 January. A new demo deployment plan is available to view for these demo sites going to 2023.112.200.6029 on 9 March. 



New Demo Deployment plan

Date/Time: Saturday, 9 March 8pm NZT 

Version: 2023.112.200.6029

Plan: 2024DEMOMAR

Action: Review the deployment plan for site list



Angela Maxwell

Associate Product Manager - Platform

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