Forum Discussion

Maria_Mullane's avatar
Contributing Partner
6 years ago

Advanced integration with creditcard/EFTPOS facilities

Hi has anyone got a solution for this?  I know Advanced is not a POS system but we have a prospect who would like to receive and refund customer payments via a creditcard service (most likely an online service like Payment Express or E-Way as opposed to an actual EFTPOS terminal) and currently the best we can do is use Parent/Child relationships to bulk apply the payments the following day (Parent Customer being "Creditcard Customers").  It would be great to have this facility, imagine how valuable that could also be if it was accessible via the customer portals, with some sort of "Pay Now" link!

  • "imagine how valuable that could also be if it was accessible via the customer portals, with some sort of "Pay Now" link!"


    Your dreams have come true Maria, take a look at 


    Payment can be made securely via the integrated payment function and everything is displayed in real time from MYOB Advanced or EXO without needing any additional steps.


    Better still is the processing fee is nominal compared to those you have mentioned. The solution is approved for MYOB Advanced and is in the process of being listed on our addons page. 


    Let me know how you get on. 

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  • "imagine how valuable that could also be if it was accessible via the customer portals, with some sort of "Pay Now" link!"


    Your dreams have come true Maria, take a look at 


    Payment can be made securely via the integrated payment function and everything is displayed in real time from MYOB Advanced or EXO without needing any additional steps.


    Better still is the processing fee is nominal compared to those you have mentioned. The solution is approved for MYOB Advanced and is in the process of being listed on our addons page. 


    Let me know how you get on. 

      • Matt_Sealy's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Maria, 

        In addition to the options available from our ISV community, we are currently reviewing our roadmap and the timing for integrating our MYOB PayBy (PayCorp) solution in to Advanced. 


        Long term our strategy is to provide native capabilities to accept payments, make payments and pay employees in product using the PayBy service which will be integrated in to the invoicing / payment forms, the customer portal and potentially the mobile app. 


        Timing for this is still uncertain and we have a full roadmap for the next 6 months, but i'd suggest all interested parties have a chat with James about this at the upcoming conference. :) 

