Forum Discussion

GraemeLM's avatar
Trusted Partner
3 years ago

Inventory Summary by Class - Generic Inquiry

Has anyone made or come across a generic inquiry that returns the data from the Inventory Summary screen (IN401000) but at the Item Class level?


If not, any clues on which Data Classes/Tables I can use to access each of the qty data values? 

The GI screen doesn't like the InventorySummaryEnquiryResult data class.



When running the GI, this error shows saying the Table doesn't exist.


Any other tables I can try? or ideas on how to use this one better?


  • Hi Graeme, 
    Data is in INLocationStatus and INSiteStatus and INLocationCostStatus and INSiteCostStatus. Try the attached GI and Pivot table to get good Inventory summaries. You can add ItemClass.

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  • SimonAngland's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    Hi Graeme, 
    Data is in INLocationStatus and INSiteStatus and INLocationCostStatus and INSiteCostStatus. Try the attached GI and Pivot table to get good Inventory summaries. You can add ItemClass.

    • GraemeLM's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      Fantastic! Thank you so much, this saves me a LOT of time digging into reports to find the right tables.

      Very much appreciated!

    • GraemeLM's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      Hi SimonAngland 


      Any idea how to get the SO and PO Qty's populating?


      I've created a test scenario where STOCKITEM has:

      10x Receipted into stock

      2x On an Open Sales Order

      10x On an Open Purchase Order


      The standard Inventory Summary screen reflects these values as expected.

      The custom GI you sent shows 0 for both these values.


      standard Inventory Summarycustom Inventory Summary Enquiry GI



      • SimonAngland's avatar
        Contributing Partner

        Maybe remove INLocation fields, relations and tables from GI as you are not using Inventory Locations and select INSiteStatus fields like QtySOBooked, QtyPOOrders.