Forum Discussion

GraemeLM's avatar
Trusted Partner
2 years ago

JobAdder integration with MYOB Advanced

Does anyone have experience with JobAdder and integrating with Advanced?


A Google search shows the MYOB website as a result, but the first link loads a 404 error page:


and the bottom two links load the apps categories, which don't have JobAdder in them.



2 Replies

  • Will_H's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Speaking as the Product Platform Liaison for Advanced Workforce Management


    JobAdder was listed incorrectly as an available integration for Advanced Workforce Management.

    The listing has been removed (very recently) while we confirm requirements to get their integration working. 

    There is active interest in having this integration available, but I cannot confirm any timeframes or roadmap for JobAdder being truly available and returned to the app marketplace listings.


    If you have customers interested in integrating Job Adder to MYOB, either to Advanced Payroll, or to Advanced Workforce Management/Advanced Employee Onboarding, please let Luke Simmons, the Ecosystem Partner Manager know via email at .

    This will aid with prioritization/discussions that are ongoing at the time I'm writing this reply.