Forum Discussion

James_Brading's avatar
MYOB Product Manager
7 years ago

API & Customisation position with Advanced People

Hi all,


There has been a level of discussion, and a level of uncertainty about where Advanced People stands, regarding the ability to customise the product, along with integrate to the product via API.


The intention of this post is to provide some clarity about our current stance, outline our future plans, and provide some background on some complicating factors.


Our current position is that customisation and API integrations with Advanced People are not supported at this time. Please do not base any sale on the ability to customise the module, or integrate into the module via API.


We do have plans to change this in the future which will be reflected on the product roadmap, however, until further notice our current position is that this functionality is not supported.


To complicate the whole discussion, there are situations, as discussed below, where customisation and API integration into Advanced People is available. However, the ability to customise the forms and use the API integration in these instances has not been tested, and as such is not currently supported. So even if it appears you can use this functionality, we recommend you do not.


Some background on the complicating scenarios. Advanced People can be purchased as a standalone solution, or as an integrated module with Advanced Business.


In the situation where Advanced People is being used as a standalone product, there is no ability to customise the product, and no API integration option due to licensing restrictions. However, if you purchased an Advanced Business API license then the potential exists to provide API integration into the product. Again, as per our current position, although this potential exists it is not supported and we do not recommend anyone attempting to make use of this functionality.


Where Advanced People is being used as a module in conjunction with Advanced Business (with the Plus or Enterprise Editions) then through the functionality provided by Advanced Business, the potential exists to customize Advanced People or integrate into the product via API. However, even though this potential exists, it is not currently supported and we do not recommend anyone attempting to make use of either of these pieces of functionality.


As mentioned above, it is our intention to provide this functionality in the future and this will be reflected on the roadmap based on scheduling and priority.


We also wanted to take the opportunity of outlining the import scenarios that are available with Advanced People which have been outlined in the table below: 


Import Scenario


Entitlement Adjustments


Opening Balance Pay History


Pay details Action Save


Import Pay Groups for Second pay group


Import Scenario Employee


Import Scenario Employee Pay Group



Plans are also in place to extend this list and again will be identified on future product roadmaps


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us


