Forum Discussion

PatriciaMYOB's avatar
MYOB Staff
10 months ago

Polls - Have your say about Advanced Employee Onboarding

Hi Partners,


We have launched our first Poll on the community forum to ask you to vote on your approach to Advanced Employee Onboarding that was recently released. The Poll will give you the opportunity to share feedback and contribute to content that is relevant for you and your customers.


To vote, you will see Polls that sits at the top of the Community forum board. Then select your response.


The Poll will be live for 2 weeks.


The August product update has some suggestions on how to get started:


Resources available to you:


We would love to hear from you all.  Please feel free to comment here with feedback regarding the resources and where you may need assistance.



2 Replies

  • LMc69's avatar
    Contributing Partner

    Hi Patricia,


    Wanted to provide feedback around initial provisioning process.  From our upsell request dated 22/8/23, WFM site was only provisioned on 22/9/23 after several follow up emails and toing and froing with the OPS team.

    Not certain if any other partners have experienced these delays.

    • Madaleen's avatar
      MYOB Product Manager

      Thanks for sharing the feedback. We've had this concern raised by multiple partners and are looking at how we can streamline the provisioning process. Look out for an update in November.