Forum Discussion

Will_H's avatar
MYOB Moderator
3 months ago

New User guide - Exact process for new System users (especially consultants)

Hi all,

Needed somewhere to put this that it could be linked to that was partner locked, since it's not on-brand enough for end users to have. (Feel free to share the information, I'd rather you didn't use the exact screenshtos below since it has my taskbar in some fo the shots, etc.


Process flow for invited partner (system) users:


The screens they get are (in order):

  1. Email with invite link:
  2. When they click the invite link, they’re taken to WFM, with a “Start” button on screen, this will look like either:
    • If they aren’t already logged into WFM:

      Goto Step 3.
    • If they are already logged into WFM:

      If they are already logged in, they should just press Start.  This associates the account to their existing login ID.
      Skip to step 5.
  3. If they are not already logged in, they need to choose whether they log in with their existing username, or create a new username.
    • If they’ve never used WFM before, they create an account:
    • If they have used WFM before, they use their existing account:
  4. Once they have created or logged in using their existing account, if they’ve never used WFM before they’ll see the screen below (Note the blank Username at the top right of the screen, this indicates they’ve never onboarded with any company).
  5. You MUST press Start at the above screen, this associates your username with the employee record, in effect, pressing start is what gives you permission to use that particular company
  6. After finishing onboarding you should then get an email similar to the below:


HELP! It says "Username already exists.  Have you already created your account?"
If you see this message, please log in instead.

Your username is shared across all Advanced Workforce Management sites, as it is a shared tenancy environment.

(There is a separate environment for UAT, which you may have access to for API development.  In that case only would you have multiple versions of the same username).

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