Forum Discussion

RPD's avatar
Trusted Partner
4 years ago

Foreign Pension Errorf

We are having problems with returns with UK pensions declared as foreign pension income at item 20D


The returns are being rejected with these error messages:


Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.730088
Summary: Assessable foreign source income amount is incorrect
Details: The Assessable foreign source income amount must equal the sum of the
following amounts provided in the attached Income Details schedule: all
Foreign income gross amounts; all Foreign pension or annuity gross
amounts; all Foreign rental income gross amounts; all Foreign financial
investment gross amounts; all Other foreign income gross amounts; all
Your share of assessable foreign income from managed fund amounts where
there is more than one account holder; and all Total assessable foreign
income from managed fund amounts where there is a single account holder
Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.730354
Summary: Net foreign pension or annuity income with an undeducted purchase price
is incorrect
Details: The Net foreign pension or annuity income with an undeducted purchase
price must equal the sum of all Foreign pension or annuity gross amounts
less Foreign pension or annuity deductible expenses provided in the
attached Income Details schedule, where the Foreign pension or annuity
undeducted purchase price is positive
Code: CMN.ATO.IITR.730356
Summary: Deductible amount of UPP of foreign pension or annuity is incorrect
Details: When the sum of all foreign pension or annuity assessable amounts in the
Income Details schedule (Foreign pension or annuity gross amount less
Foreign pension or annuity deductible expenses) is positive, the
Deductible amount of UPP of foreign pension or annuity must equal the
lesser value of the sum of all adjusted Foreign pension or annuity
undeducted purchase price amounts or sum of all foreign pension or
annuity assessable amounts; Otherwise, the Deductible amount of UPP of
foreign pension or annuity must be set to zero. Note: The adjusted
Foreign pension or annuity undeducted purchase price for each pension
(or annuity) is determined as either; the lesser value of the foreign
pension or annuity assessable amount or Foreign pension or annuity
undeducted purchase price, when the foreign pension or annuity.


Any idea or workarounds?

5 Replies

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    • Jesh_D's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi walsh_sean  and RPD 


      Thank you for your post. 


      These errors you are receiving occurs at item 20 Foreign source income and foreign assets or property:


      • Label D Net foreign pension or annuity income WITH an undeducted purchase price
      • Label L Net foreign pension or annuity income WITHOUT an undeducted purchase price.

      There are different resolutions depending on your scenario, so please be sure to check below to see which scenario and resolution best applies to you:  


      In the Foreign Pension or Annuities worksheet:

      • If you have one or more Description in section 01, type a description and type 0 in all the amount fields in section 02.
      • If you have one Description in section 02 and an amount greater than 0 in Amount of UPP (item D11), type a description and type 0 in all the amount fields in section 01.
      • If you have one Description in section 02 and a blank or 0 amount in Amount of UPP (item D11), there's no solution. Your return may be stuck as Transmitting and you may see error 500 internal server error. We'll fix this in a future release.
      • If you have more than one Description in section 02, there's no solution. Your return may be stuck as Transmitting and you may see error 500 internal server error. We'll fix this in a future release.

      Please let me know how you get on and if you have any further questions.

      • walsh_sean's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        Hi Jesh, 


        We change the return as suggested, and it comes the new error replacing the previous ones



                           Code:    CMN.ATO.IITR.730359




                           Summary: Foreign income tax offset amount is incorrect


                           Details: The Foreign income tax offset amount must not exceed the sum of all of

                                                 the following amounts provided in the attached Income Details schedule:

                                                 Foreign pension or annuity foreign tax paid; Foreign income foreign tax

                                                 paid; Foreign employment income foreign tax paid; Foreign rental income

                                                 foreign tax paid; Other foreign income foreign tax paid; Foreign

                                                 financial investment foreign tax paid (excluding NZ franking credits);

                                                 Employee share scheme foreign tax paid; Your share of foreign income tax

                                                 offset from managed fund where there is more than one account holder;

                                                 and Total foreign income tax offset from managed fund where there is a

                                                 single account holder