Forum Discussion

PartsGuy's avatar
2 days ago

Bin Locations

Hi All,  this questions seems to get asked every couple of years from what I can see, 
but I've recently started in a new role that uses MYOB, having come from an automotive background I'm used to R&R (pentana) having bin locations easily notable, 

now, I have managed to make a workaround using the 3 custom fields and renaming them to Bin 1, Bin 2, and Bin 3
Then having Custom Field 1 displaying on the invoice, there for when I generate an invoice all the bins are displayed, 

my question, is there a way to make custom field 1 display in the main item profile page, not page 2, 

Is ther ay way to make custom field 1 show on the Item list page?

and is there a way to search by custom field?

is there a better way to implement bin locations that I'm not aware of that I may have missed in my search? 

we have 4358 line items in stock and my predecessor just "knew" where everything was 



1 Reply

  • Ron_T's avatar
    MYOB Staff

    Hi PartsGuy , as to your first question, to make custom field 1 display in the main item profile page, not page 2, that would require a change in the code base for AccountRight. If you think it's an idea worth considering, add it to the AccountRight Ideas Exchange:


    As to these questions:


    Is ther ay way to make custom field 1 show on the Item list page?

    and is there a way to search by custom field?

    is there a better way to implement bin locations that I'm not aware of that I may have missed in my search? 


    the answer is yes. What you can do, is customise the Items List window to display a custom list or custom field in a column. Just right-click one of the column headings then click Column Chooser and choose the columns you want:




    Once you've customised the Items List, right-click it and choose Copy List to Clipboard. You can then paste the list into a spreadsheet or any document you like, ready for printing.


    Here's a help topic that explains how to use similar options in the Cards List window: 


    Good luck, hope this helps,
