Forum Discussion

Flynn's avatar
Contributing Cover User
4 years ago

Practice Tax - MyIR credentials expiring

Hi team


We've got an open support request from 24 March but I thought I'd bring it to the community too.

Phone support have said (after a few tries) that it's a global issue being worked on, but there's no ETA.


The issue:

IRD credentials for Practice Tax are expiring before the nightly update is processed.

For now we have to determing which clients to update, then update the credentyials and manually use the Refresh IR Data button under each.

After a few hours they expire again.

Confusingly the update timestamps are saved as UTC but displayed as local, so are 12 hours out.



From the MYOB team I'd love some transparency about the fix timeframe for what is ostensibly a widespread issue.

The manual process is sloow and we're probably building up quite a backlog.


From the community I'd love to hear if you're affected by this also!

  • Tracy2020's avatar
    Experienced User

    Credentials keep expiring at quite regular intervals for me as well.

  • Hi Flynn,


    Can you please provide us the Case number so that we can investigate this issue for you.





    • Flynn's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi Lisa


      Thanks for getting back to me.

      The case was open for about 5 or 6 weeks with various support agents and remote sessions, but the team's now reporting that the overnight refresh is working.

      Thankfully we no longer have to refresh each client manually.


      I wasn't on the call with the fix so can't put up the solution unfortunately. But support eventually found it.