Chattel Mortgage Finance & purchase setup
I've been using MYOB since version 8 but have not until now had to setup a capital purchase with chattel mortgage finance. I've followed the advice from Ron Boulton ( and it all looks fine EXCEPT the Unexpired Interest.
Following the method given in this reference I end up with a negative amount in the Unexpired Interest (2-xxxx) account. Upon making repayments the value in that account moves what appears to be the wrong way, ie the absolute magnitude value increases. eg initial value of unexpired interest after setup is, say, -$7000.00. Regular repayment is say, $250 comprising $200 principal and $50 interest. After posting that entry I'd end up with Unexpired Interest account with a balance of -$7050.00
I can't see where I've done anything incorrectly, but that result doesn't look right and I can't see that anyone else is having the same issue. Maybe I'm just looking at it wrongly and just being as thick as a brick but I would REALLY appreciate some advice on this.
Thank you.