KM12's avatar
Cover User
5 days ago

90 days + not showing in summary box on customer statement

On our statements the 60+ days populates the 60 days but nothing if it is over 60 days e.g. 90 or 120 days.  The outstanding invoices show on the statement and the total has the figure for all the outstanding invoices but the 60+(over 60 days) does not show the amount for everything over that time.  Isn't that what the ' + '  is for?  I would have thought that all amounts over our terms (usually 30days AEOM) should show up correctly. Would someone know if MYOB has a way to include 90+ days in the correct box on the statements?  Sad as it may be, sometimes customers just do not pay with in their terms.  

I hope there is a solution otherwise MYOB techs should look at the formula in the background to ensure the correct amounts are showing.

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