AGerson's avatar
Contributing Partner
10 months ago

Customer Statements

Customer Statements are currently ageing the invoices based on the Invoice Due Date and NOT the Invoice Date, which is slightly detrimental to the business as customners often look for what is overdue, rather than focusing on paying what is due. Especially if the Statements are run as of the end of the month but sent out at the beginning of the following month, Invoices which are NOW overdue, are reflected as being current

1 Comment

  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi AGerson
    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum. 
    We strive hard to make sure that we provide the best experience for our customers, and we are thankful for your time letting us know about your experience. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. We understand that by enhancing this functionality the customer statements will not be aging the invoices by the Invoice Due Date but by the Invoice Date. We understand how important the enhancement of this feature is to manage your workflow and we are grateful for your time to share this with us. We will ensure we pass on your feedback to the relevant team. 

    Thank you for your understanding and continued support. Feel free to post again anytime you require further assistance. 