kphasey's avatar
Cover User
13 years ago

Find Transactions: Ability to search for quotes

In the previous 19.6 version i could locate a quote using the find transaction icon.


in the new online version i can do this for orders and invoices but not quotes.


I recieve now a lot of sales confirmations via email and often the customer sending the deposit or confirmation information is not the same customer listed on the quote, so it is important to have the quote number which is normally in the subject line, if they simply hit reply.


the only way i can find the job is to type in this number.  now i must find quotes in the sales register and as such if it is a month or to ago, this can provoke a lengthy time consuming search.


can you re-enstate the finding of quotes from find transactions please.


keith Phasey

Managing Director

NT Blinds



"Find transactions - quotes"


  • XLNT's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Back in the days of using Plus19, we could use the "Find Transaction" window to search for a quote. A quote's details wouldn't display in the list, but the quote would be accessible by using the arrow beside the number to get into it. Now using AccountRight Plus this option is not available, ie: if it's not a sale we can't find it. This is something that we used a lot as we use "Memo" in quotes/invoices for job information and could always search for some of these details if we did not know a quote/invoice number or a customer name.  The search feature by sorting under each heading in the Sales Register is quite good but we really need to be able to seach by "Memo".  Eg:  Plus19 was was great in that for one job we regularly have 4 invoices to the builder but then can have another couple of quotes or invoices for the same "memo" (for which we use the job address) so we could easily scroll through a list of jobs when we searched by "memo" whereas order numbers are different for builders and private customers so there is no other way of viewing invoices & quotes for one job address now.    ust one of the ways we regularly made use of this function was before we close a job and archive plans etc, we always check that the standard 4 sales to the builder have been completed and check to see if all sales to the client have been completed.  Since we can no longer view quotes in this window it is a very lengthy process searching through the Sales Register to check that a job is complete.  We "always" use the job address in the "Memo" section and search by this as there are a minimum 4 different order numbers for one job & usually at least two others to the client.  No, we will not assign a new job number to every job address as tracking those that relate to nothing else would be an even more time consuming pain in the butt than having to print and manipulate reports to check this for every job.  It is not as simple as just assuming each job address will have 6 invoices either as this is not the case.

  • XLNT's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I seriously want this in find transactions too.  Just one of the ways we regularly made use of this function was before we close a job and archive plans etc, we always check that the standard 4 sales to the builder have been completed and check to see if all sales to the client have been completed.  Since we can no longer view quotes in this window it is a very lengthy process searching through the Sales Register to check that a job is complete.  We "always" use the job address in the "Memo" section and search by this as there are a minimum 4 different order numbers for one job & usually at least two others to the client.  No, we will not assign a new job number to every job address as tracking those that relate to nothing else would be an even more time consuming pain in the butt than having to print and manipulate reports to check this for every job.  It is not as simple as just assuming each job address will have 6 invoices either as this is not the case.

  • GBMW's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    What a great suggesion! I regularly get asked to pull up a quote from our sales guys and the new process takes way too long.


    Please bring back the ability to search for quotes under the find transactions window

  • Status changed:

    Great idea submission Keith. It's great to no only understand your idea but also why other options, such as using the register, just doesn't meet your needs.

    May I also suggest trying the Sales Register Detail report. You can customise this report to only show for a specfic Invoice/Order/Quote #. Once you have the report displayed on screen, you can then zoom into the required transaction.


    I have also registered your suggestion to provide a means to easily search for a specific Order or Quote #. Thank you for the feedback.