Demes's avatar
Experienced Cover User
13 years ago

Forms: Ability to set exact field size

After migrating my custom forms from V19 I had to do a lot of manual changes to get them to work and have found a number of very annoying problems with the form designer.


  1. As has already been pointed out by another user, the size and position only displays in 1mm increments although these appear to be adjustable in smaller increments making it very hard to align and position. A size properties box would be a help instead of just being able to view the inaccurate size as you drag the size handles.
  2. When selecting multiple items and repositioning them, they often move independently of each other.
  3. The arrange options don't always work, (or may be it never works) looks OK when editing but in preview and when printing the order is not the same. When printing it only recognizes the order in which they were created - whatever was created last is in front of everything else.

This is the view in customize, White Text was created first then the "Blue Box" then the black "SALE AMT:" 

This is what you get in print preview and this is the order when you print.


  1. You have no way of constraining lines so it is very difficult to get a straight line or a perfect square for that matter.
  2. The bounding box around a selected item is slightly bigger than the item itself making it extremely difficult to line up with other items. (obviously an idea copied from MS Office 2010 but I have to wonder if the programmers ever tried to use this feature - most frustrating!!) :smileysad:
  3. When resizing an item it doesn't appear to snap to the grid, as you drag a handle there is always a lag so precise movement is impossible. :smileysad:
  4. Add a field or table to the page and it always ends up at the top of the page, and now you must resize the table so you can even move it :smileysad:
  5. You have to click on an item twice before you can move it. :smileysad:
  6. Sometimes when an item is click on it moves from its current position.
  7. Shading option for tables no longer works since the last update. This may be broken for all reports!! :smileysurprised:


Oh, just found issue No. 11

  1. Some lines don't print, added a line to an invoice and it wouldn't print, deleted it and added it again and it printed - whats going on? I read others have similar issues!!


Well these are the issues I have found with the latest update applied, sure hope they will be fixed with the next update release.


Still waiting for an update that will improve the performance of MYOB - would love to feel the power of my i7 processor again instead of it feeling like its an old 286 when MYOB is running!!





"Issues with Form Design"