scfsh's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Inventory: Ability to go into Negative Stock

add negative stock to AR Plus/Premier


-Allow the sale of items with Insufficient On-Hand Quantities

"Negative Stock"


  • Negative Inventory Acceptance Necessary for Most Third Party Online Web Stores

    • LiveProblems's avatar

      This is a real problem because one sells goods online then only orders stock

      This creates negative inventory

      Live does not allow negative inventory

      The integration from the webstore like Neto creates an error

      This has to be a common issue 

      Enterprise worked with negative inventory


  • AndrewKShields's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I could use that, but with a warning message when going negative stock.

  • Hi


    I just want to know if MYOB is looking at adding Negative Inventory to Accountright 2017. As I would like to start using the inventory function but I wont until the inventory can go below 0. Using receive items is not an option as it creates another step and confusion with workers when printing invoices out to give customers.

    • AHJS's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Kudos!  We run into problems all the time.  Our orders from our supplier arrive two months after we place our order.  Our customers then order against this shipment with many back orders going against the incoming shipment.  If we arent mindful to ensure the back order gets invoiced out after the date the shipment was received into the system its creates chaos especially with average unit costs

    • AHJS's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Kudos!  We run into problems all the time.  Our orders from our supplier arrive two months after we place our order.  Our customers then order against this shipment with many back orders going against the incoming shipment.  If we arent mindful to ensure the back order gets invoiced out after the date the shipment was received into the system its creates chaos especially with average unit costs

  • Hi

    We run a manufacturing balance and often find that we will have a sale before the inventory is built using autobuild. In such a case MYOB needs to allow a negative inventory value. Which setting do I check to allow Negative Inventory values.

    This situation also arises when I build an item before components have been received into the system, similar soultion needed.

    Thanks for your assistance



    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi SV2015

      Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea.

      Along with commenting for an idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange you can show your support by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name.

    • SV2015's avatar

      With regards to the Negitive inventory, I agree . It is a must have . It's is my main issue with MYOB at the moment. Please, Please Please.

    • Autolink-Online's avatar
      Cover User

      Gargoyle wrote:


      We run a manufacturing balance and often find that we will have a sale before the inventory is built using autobuild. In such a case MYOB needs to allow a negative inventory value. Which setting do I check to allow Negative Inventory values.

      This situation also arises when I build an item before components have been received into the system, similar soultion needed.

      Thanks for your assistance



      This is a must for my business, MYOB please add this feature as it would hep my business like you wouldn't believe! 

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your suggestion. At the moment our plan is to eventually bring the negative inventory functionality from our existing AccountRight Enterprise product into AccountRight Premier on our new platform. This is some time away however. Anyone who would like this to be given a higher priority, please cast your vote here.