mulgra's avatar
Trusted Cover User
13 years ago

Purchases: Pay Bills - Sort purchase to be oldest first

 In Pay Bills, the "open" invoices are shown with the most recent at the top of the list.  Very annoying when you want to apply a payment to the oldest invoices first!  (In Receive Payments, the order is as it oughta be.. oldest first). Once the item is closed, it reverts to oldest first in the list.


"Order of invoices in Pay Bills should be oldest first"


  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the feedback. This sounds like a defect which we will need to fix up. In the meantime please note that the columns in these screens are sortable and you can also turn on a preference to Apply to oldest Invoice/Bill first which can be very helpful.
  • I agree, the oldest invoice has to be shown first when in 'pay bills', I use 4 different versions of Myob in my travels to clients premises and Account Right Standard 2011, is the only one which doesnt display the oldest bill first!

  • This still seems to be a problem in 2012.9 - I'm in Receive Payments and it' defaulting by oldest INVOICE NO. not oldest DATE ORDER. Hate to say it but sometimes I have to manually write out invoices on the spot, and have two invoice books I use. Do we know how far away this is from being implemented? I'm having to make sure I click on the date every time I go into receive payments ... yet another mouse click GRRRRR :womanfrustrated:

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With AccountRight 2017 the Pay Bills window will sort the purchases in date order. 



    If you would like a different sort, you are welcome to click on the column headers to change the sorting for that window.