MBSJones's avatar
11 years ago

Reconcile Accounts: Click and drag to select (multiple) tick boxes



can you please bring back the function that was available in the old versions of MYOB eg Premier v19, whereby you could click and drag the mouse down over the tick boxes in a Bank Reconciliation or when processing payroll? I know the feature to click and select / unselect ALL the tick boxes, but the drag and select feature was really useful for selecting / unselecting groups of transactions in one go. I get so frustrated having to click each single box!!





"Group Ticking of Tick Boxes"


  • LFW02's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Bank Reconciliations would be one example, if you want to select a block of entries you have to manually select them one by one whereas in the classic versions it was click and drag, much quicker.

    • ASJ's avatar

      Can't believe this is still only under consideration - it's such a basic requirement. This is costing us time not saving us time. Should be able to select multiple jobs by dragging down a list, ridiculous to have to select one by one.

    • Messach's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi MYOB team,


      it's very annoying now that we only have the option to Select All or deselect All.

      When upgrading to a newer platform, i am hoping to do things more efficiently. not the other way around. 

      At least provide a way for us to select multiple lines easily.

      Please bring back the click and drag 

      or a way to press shift + click or something.


      This is urgently required... my fingers are growing muscle clicking hundreds of tickboxes :)





  • I came on here to also request this feature and this was the first topic I saw - I am glad I am not the only one finding this VERY FRUSTRATING.  Not having the group ticking function can add HOURS to the reconciliation process - having to tick one transaction at a time - especially working on line when it takes time to register each tick.  Please do something about this soon!!

  • Status changed:
    Great idea - folks vote on this one if you like it!