Record recurrent transactions with due date, not with current date

I open my MYOB AR Std on average once a week or even less often to do my accounts. And I've got a list of recurring transactions which fall on different days - like insurance, mortgage repayments, etc. The problem is that the recurring transactions are automatically recorded with the date I open MYOB, not with the date when they were due. That makes matching with bank statements quite a challenge - yes I know I can click on each automatically recorded transaction and change the date but for that I need to know when it was due - was it yesterday? Was it on Monday? And also that only works for Spend money / Receive money, not for Transfer between accounts (e.g. for mortgage repayments) - those dates can't be changed and the transaction has to be deleted and re-entered.


For example an insurance payment goes out every 2 weeks on Thursday - 15/08, 29/08, 12/09, etc. and as such is set in the recurring transactions list. Today I opened MYOB and the payments were all recorded with today's date (13/09) instead of 15/08, 29/08 and 12/09. That makes the automatic recording pretty useless.


Can MYOB please support recording on the due date? Maybe there can be a switch to turn it on/off for people who prefer the current behaviour.

