HTSL's avatar
2 months ago

Reporting - Transaction Description

Could you please reinstate the report detail showing descriptions against transactions.

My issue (major for me) relates to the drill down to the transaction reports populated from Payroll.

Before the upgrade in Dec23, we had a one line per employee, showing the following:

Pay employee; FirstSurname

Since the upgrade, the description shows:

Pay employee;

This makes the data analysis impossible - we need the functionality to export to excel and analyse the data.

Can you please update your code to include the Employee name, as it was in MYOB Essentials.

Also -  why is the gross amount now split out to every line item on the payslip rather that just the gross amount for each employee?

And a further grumble, I have spent over 4 hours on the phone with MYOB in an attempt to rectify this, without any luck.


1 Comment

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi HTSL


    I've gone ahead and sent a request for your suggestion to be considered for future enhancements. Thanks for sharing your feedback with us—it helps us improve MYOB for everyone! If you have more ideas or questions, feel free to create a post again.


    Best regards,
