David_Salv's avatar
Experienced User
12 years ago

Reports: Sales margin based on customer



May I suggest that a report be developed to enable easy analysis of margin by customer.


No doubt many MYOB clients who deal with multiple customers and sell a range of products would welcome this addition.


I come from larger business and are used to having a system that can provide this information in many forms,  but to find that it cannot be run at all in MYOB is surprising. 


One of the first things ALL inventory type businesses need to know is how much is being made on each customer, otherwise how do you have any hope of knowing which customers are the least and most profitable, and more importantly how to manage this.





"Customer margin report"


  • It seems the only gross margin report is by item.  Every business really needs to know what the gross margin is by customer and by salesperson at a minimum.  It should also be available by other dimensions - by state, by category etc etc

  • DBBP's avatar
    Cover User

    I am very surprised after speaking with the MYOB support team that there exists no report which will detail profit margins made against a customers account. It would expect this information to be readily available in order for any business to be able to monitor/maximise their focus.


    Our business generates sales from inventory sales and from onsite service work. We do utilise Jobs for service work but not for day to day inventory sales. The current available reports in MYOB are only giving us half the picture. We can not tell how profitable overal we are on a customer to customer basis.



    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi DBBP


      You will find reporting of Profit margin by Customer (and many other dimensions inc by supplier, by Product type, by Customer group, by State, by Salesperson etc) is available with some of the MYOB Add-on Solutions - https://www.myob.com/au/addons/category/3/advanced-reporting/


      As an example our  Business Intelligence software BI4Cloud comes with this flexibility as standard (along with many other types of Sales/ Jobs/ GL reporting).

      Our Jobs reports can run by Header, by Customer, across years, by Job manager etc to track Job profitability.   


      Reports can be saved to auto email or even to say filter for any sales below a set margin to alert you to check them. 


      Below is a standard Margin by Customer report over Item Sales that can be run over any desired date range, as  a Pivot or comparing with prior periods.


      Screen Shot 2016-08-23 at 3.53.50 PM.png


      You are most welcome to do a 14 day free trial on your MYOB data to see if it can help you.


      Jennifer Kelly CA




    • DBBP's avatar
      Cover User

      Hello Jennifer - Thank you for your reply.


      I did review the BI4Cloud information as per your link and agree this will offer a solution. Is BI4Cloud compatible with AccountRight Premier v19? We do not run our business offline (ie-no cloud access). 

    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi DBBP


      Yes we work with the following flavours of MYOB:

      • Classic (Desktop Premier & Enterprise)
      • AccountRight 2016.x (Both run on the Cloud and locallay on the server)
      • EXO

      Glad we can help.


      Jennifer Kelly CA


  • would be very helpful as many of my suppliers require file in csv to upload into their program