westernwork's avatar
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Add a 'For the Attention" field to Enter Sales/Purchase window

With an increasing number of emailed invoices, I am regularly forced to have more than one card for a Customer, because I need to send Invoices to different people within a company. I would like to see a personalised address line box that works  like the alternative address box. or a box like the comments box at the bottom of the invoice somewhere in the vicinity of the PO Number.  

When I have to create a secondary card, because the boss prefers to see the address with


XYZ Limited

Attention: Mr Vessel Manager

P O Box 9999


Auckland  1001


when the Card file says: "Attention Mr Big Boss" 

I then end up with direct credit payments across more than one card!


""For the Attention of" box on Sales Invoices"


  • Status changed:
    Sounds like an interesting idea. I can see how you might want to email or post to different contacts in the same business. If this would be useful in your business please comment and don't forget to vote on the idea.
  • Albare's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Excellent idea.  I often email sales docs to customers however one single organistaion has 90 farms with a different manager for each.  For purcahse  orders to suppliers their sales staff change or you need to deal with different people within the same organistion and so I have resorted to customising our purchase orders with a section to be filled in by hand after it's printed and then we fax it  Or i create the form as a pdf and attach it to an email.

  • lyndor's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I am constatnly being told by suppliers that the ordering email is different for the remittance advice email, so everytime I use it I have to manually have to change it