AshL's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Changing the card listed on a recorded sale/purchase

It would be super helpful if we could change the customer card on an invoice once it's been recorded! I understand why we can't change the name once a payment has been applied to it, but in the meantime it would be great to change the customer card if required. Thanks!


"Changing Customer on an existing invoice"


  • Hi AdelKerb1


    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight.

    I've  merged your idea with this similar one already included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

    Also I would recommend taking a look at Help Article: Changing a transaction in particular the FAQ "How do I change the card on a recorded sale or purchase?" which describes the process involved in the current version of the software.

  • AdelKerb1's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It would be great if you could change creditors in the "Enter Purchases" screen...As we have a few creditors that start with the same name - sometimes they are entered under the incorrect name...It would be great if you could open up that purchase and just change the supplier in this screen rather that having to delete and re-enter the purchase.

  • CDJ's avatar
    Cover User

    Hi we deal with insurance companies & brokers a lot. First we get an email from the Broker to go do a quote and so we make up a quote for them in the system and then if the quote is accepted they want the invoice changed to show the Insurance company's details and you can not make changes to the invoice with the names I have to redo the whole thing with another card, it would be great if we could make these change on the same invoice.




    • David_Cree's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hello Peter,

      While you cannot change the Card on a Quote (or an order or invoive) there is an easy solution to the issue.

      When the quote in the Broker's name needs to be changed to an insurance company, open the quote and click on the SAVE AS RECURRING button on the lower left of the screen. Change the Frequency to NEVER and save it.

      Then open a new invoice and click on USE RECURRING and select the quote that you want.. You will have all the details and you can select the card you want to use.

      I Hope that helps you.



  • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Changing the customer name on a sales invoice:


    A complication is the implication for GST reporting.


    Current Australian GST law requires sales invoices over $999 to show the customer's name or their ABN number.


    So if you have changed the customer name or their ABN on an unpaid invoice over $999, even if only to correct an error, there could be trouble if the tax office calls in for an audit  - particularly if the change is made in a later quarter,


    As things stand now, to change the customer name, you have to:

    (1) Save the invoice as a recurrent transaction (with the Frequency set to Never and Transaction Save Changes un-ticked)

    (2) Create a credit for the invoice, using the recurrent transaction

    (3) Then do an Apply To Sales entry in Returns and Credits in the Sales Register,

    to offset the credit against the original invoice

    (4) Then create a new invoice, using the recurrent invoice, but changing the customer name to the correct customer

    (5) Once all the above has been done, you can delete the recurrent invoice (in Lists / Recurring Transactions List)


    Note that for cash sales over $999, there's a way to include the customer's name on the invoice, using the Comments box on the invoice. See my previous comment under the topic "Invoicing an AccountRight sale over $999 when no customer ABN available".








  • Status changed:

    Hi AshL 

    Thanks for your feedback in regards to the AccountRight program and changing the customer's card on a record sales or purchase. 

    Currently the workaround would be to base a recurring transaction off that transaction and then change the name on that recurring transaction. Support Note: Changing the card on a sale or purchase will be able to assist that.

    I would encourage other users that would like to see the ability to change the card on a transaction without the creating a recurring transaction to vote and comment if required.

  • Rebecca12345's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    yes i agree with this too!  i have recurring templates for invoices for each type of service we provide and which are not specific to one customer.  However in the recurring tempate we need to select a customer, so i've used our own business as the customer so i don't accidentally send an invocie to the wrong organisation.  However there's been so many times that i forget to change the customer and only realise after recording the invoice - it's such a pain to have to then delete the invoice and re-enter it, instead of just changing the customer.

    I would think that most businesses use recurring templates specific to a certain service as opposed to specific customers so the other thing that would be useful is not having to select a customer when creating a recurring tempate for an invoice.

  • I tend to do a lot of work that requires a quote to be sent to a third party. It is only at invoice time that I get the details of the person paying the bill. The solution provided via the community soultions was a bit long winded and open to a mistake being made. An option in the edit menu would be really useful

  • It would be very handy if you could transfer a purchase to another supplier.


    We have had a few occurrences when a supplier has changed owners etc so we needed a new card for the supplier but we had to re-enter invoices, that had already been entered under the old suppliers card.


    You can do it in spend money but not in purchases




    • A-L's avatar
      Experienced Cover User



      It would be really useful if the supplier on the purchase order entered could be changed if the bill has not been paid. Right now if you make a mistake at choosing the supplier and record the PO, it is then locked. I don't see a reason to lock the supplier field on a just entered PO. I am aware of the "recurring transaction"solution, but it would be much more convenient and smarter to be able to do that from the drop down arrow on the original PO. Exactly the same way you selected the supplier in the first place.  If you're worried about "security" issues then a static internal notes field could be added to the form advising that it has been changed and on what date.


      I don't see why go through the hoops to get to something so basic.




      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Todd_S


        Thank you for sharing your experiences in regards to AccountRight and this idea.

        Along with commenting for an idea you can show your support by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name.

    • Will_H's avatar
      MYOB Moderator


      Thank you for the suggestion.  I'll let the Product Management team respond fully to the change request, but I'd just like to make sure anyone visiting this idea is aware of our current recommended process for changing the card on a purchas:.  

      1) Save the transaction as recurring.

      2) Delete the original transaction.

      3) Use the recurring transaction to record the transaction against a new supplier.  

      The full process is described in the support note: Changing a Card on a sale or purchase.


      Kind Regards,

      Will H.

      MYOB Client Support.

    • Growers's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Yes, agree this would be a great idea.


      We encounter many instances whereby a creditor's invoice is entered into MYOB only to find it should have been entered under a different branch / account or different supplier all together.


      I'm really surprised that MYOB does not offer tthis facility already as it should not be difficult to implement I would expect.



