RuthMcKeown15's avatar
Cover User
9 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Description character limit


Please please please increase the character limit in the tax invoice description to at least 500, or no limit at all.  I have seen a number of requests on the forum for this over the years and am not sure why it has not been changed.

Many of our job descriptions or quote descriptions go over the word limit and I have to break up a paragraph somehow mid-way through, which does not look very professional.

We do not have a $ amount for each line entered, we enter a number of aspects of a job in one line, which all total one amount, and this frequently exhasuts the word limit.

I know I can add a blank line underneath with a $0 figure, but the limit frequently runs out mid-way through a sentence and it is very frustrating having to cut the half of the sentence that I got mid-way through, insert a blank line and paste the sentence in there and then keep going until the limit runs out again - it seems so pointless. 

Thank you



"Description character limit"


  • Yes please!! Please increase the character limit, or have no limit at all as we also have quite lengthy descriptions. 

  • sues0204's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Yes, please increase character limit for description field.  There is no other way to enter service information for the customer (and our internal) reference.

  • CommsPower's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I can't wait for this feature to be updated.  Most of my descriptions are over the current set limits and I have to add sometimes a few headers to fit it all in which is very very frustrating for every invoice.  Please can this be a priorority.

  • It would save a lot of time if there was no character limit.  I use Xero also and don't have this problem with Xero.

  • auskit's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I use MD in conjuction and am always loosing text such a pain

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone


    Thank you for showing your support for this idea

    With the release of AccountRight 2020.2, the character limit for sale and purchase line descriptions has been increased to 1,000 characters. So no more blank lines to add in a comment, just add it directly to the description.

    Check out AccountRight 2020.2 now available for more information on this update.

  • It seems the length of characters may been been increased for when you need to free type the description in each time you invoice however at my work place we have items set up that we sell and are entering into a quote.  Characters are still limited for the set up of items.


    Along side the item number the description field does not let us add in enough of a description without having to add to each time we enter each item into each quote -It really is a basic requirement and by having to rewrite the same things over and over again because your system can not hold the characters is not time efficient or business savy at all, I thought technology was meant to make life easier.


    Surely a system that has been around for many years is better than this, its the basics at the end of the day.

    Is there another tread on this at all?


    Below is an example, the top description line is how its has to be amended to once entered and the description under that is all that can be fit in when set up so we have had to have add the words "OUTDOOR" "Woolpress" "x760" "Macrocarpa" each time we enter this product and it happens for all products, we need to add words... can you imagine.... its terribly time consuming and ineffcient.


    A change to this item description field extending in set up is also required please.


    Pls ignore this pic, I can not remove.


  • Why is there a character limit when im trying to write a quote. This has to be the stupidest thing ever. Why would there be a character limit at all, makes absolutely no sense. I need to put a scope of work in my quotes which needs more than the limited charcter limit . WTF myob. So frustratingly unneccessary.

  • This has been changed but it is still an issue for me.  I still have to break up my descriptions