RRB's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Drop down list for card

I would like this feature to only work when the customer name/purchaser name/payer name/payee name is entirely individual, i.e. doesn't have the same first few letters in their name or job no.   For e.g. when creating an invoice to someone with a common surname (like Jones) a dropdown list should appear if there is more than one person with the same or similar surname (i.e. first 3 or 4 letters in common).  Currently MYOB automatically selects and "fills" the data entry field with the first person whose surname is listed in the customer/supplier list.


I have mentioned this to Support in the past, but it's still an issue and I don't really want to have to turn off "Easy Fill" option because it does make it quicker creating invoices/purchases as it's only a few of our customers/suppliers that have the same or similar surnames, so I'm hoping that MYOB developers will eventually get around to it!


"Easy Fill When Selecting From a List"

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With AccountRight 2016 when a user is entering a Customer or Supplier a list is populated based on the values that have been entered. You can then select the particular card name or continue entering data to filter the list further

    For example: