PrincessYachts's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Include a Categories column on Enter Sales/Purchases window

Please could we have a Categories column in the Enter Sales and Enter Purchases windows.

Our company has three branches that we need to report on individually as well as a group.

At the moment when we receive supplier invoices from for example telephone companies, IT providers etc we need to split the bill across the three branches or cost centres, currently to do this in myob we have to enter the bill three times, once for each branch/category/cost centre at the apportioned amount. The categories function would be so much more useable to companies if you could split bills for example across categories in a single record entry.


"Categories Column in Sales and Purchases"


  • Hi kylieelston

    Thank you for your idea in regards to AccountRight and Categories.

    I have merged your idea with this similar one included on the AccountRight Idea Exchange.

  • I am wanting to split my business into two categories which are run from the same premises using same bank account etc.

    Being: Fabrication / Grounds Maintenance

    All overhead costs including phone / rent / electricity / water etc will be split between the two categories. 


    The category selection only allows you to select one at a time.  Meaning that when you want to enter a bill and divide the bill equally between the two categories you have enter the bill twice with the 50% of costs.  I am suggesting like the job column you have a column in the expense line to allocate to the category as well.  This way you only have to enter one bill and can divide it between two (or more) categories.  I am sure I am not the only business that has this issue.  Reading the community forum it seems pretty common problem.


  • Flow's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Is it possible to record a sales analysis code or category per line item in a sales transaction?


    My Reasoning:

    The line item on my sales invoice may be "Labour Jim" this reports to my GL Code Labour. But I also want to break it down so I can see what kinds of job it was e.g. Labour Jim (Inventory) and Hot Water Unit Replacement (Category) or Blocked Drain (Category).


    The Categories and Sales Person features that currently exist only allow me to record one per transaction so when I run a report on categories I see the whole sale and not just the one line item that may be applicable e.g. I don't want my 'Callout' inventory item linked to my 'Hot Water Replacement' category.


    Does that make senses...


    So, if on each line item I could record a cetegory I would be able to use the category report to further break down my Profit and Loss report and see what categories are making money. 


    P.s. I don't want to have to setup a new inventory item for every fieldworker (Jim) and every category


    P.p.s. I already use jobs for tracking jobs so this won't work either. 

    • JenTech's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      We too are wanting to use Categories on both sales and purchase transactions to track different profit centres.  However, multiple profit centres can exist within one sale or purchase transaction, so the category needs to be applied per line item, not per whole transaction.  Job numbers are already in use to track individual pieces of work (warranty and recall records), so we are currently keeping records external to MYOB to track profit centres.  This means a lot of duplication, and, as with any manual system, it is open to error.


      Hence, you get my vote.



    • Flow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Jennifer,


      Unfortunately none of the above suggestions will work for us. The tracking of Categories only needs to occur (at this stage) on our sales transactions. Going through and entering activities and timesheet and timebilling as suggested above would be overkill for our needs. 


      Is it not possible at all that MYOB would consider adding another grouping method similar to jobs on sales invoicing? It doesn't have to be Categories you could call it Analysis Code and it will simply allow a user to analays (report) their sales & profit on another level without affecting their inventory and job costing anaylsis.


      If I have to setup an inventory item for every employee and every category I will end up with a stupidly massive inventory. 







    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner


      Ordinarily I would say Jobs is what you should be using to be able to break down each transaction to different components.


      With Jobs you can allocate at the line item level to different Jobs, however with Categiroes Only one can be added to each transaction.  I would not think that Catgories is the way to go to identify things like Call out v Hot water replacement. Categories are more designed to keep track of different Branches or divisions in a business.


      You say you are already using Jobs.  Other ways of breaking up the info by jobs into more detail are:


      - Use Activity Slips/Time billing to capture both the person performing the task and what Activity they are doing. These can then be allocated to a job. 

      - Use Items to Track what work is being done so an Item for Callout , and one for HW replacement. Then you can analyse by Job broken down to the different Income compontents. It sounds like you are using Items to also track the person doing the work? Maybe use SAlesperson for the worker?

      - Use Sub jobs - eg Job Header is for the House build and then have a number of sub jobs under each header  Good if you have a smaller number of jobs with a number of segments.

      - Use GL to break ups each Job by different components - So if you have say 10 different "types of work" then you could have a Labour GL account down at that level e.g. Callout , HW replacement. then allocate each line to that GL account and allocate to the job. you can then do a JOb P&L that breaks down to that level.


      Deciding which is the best for you will depend on the type of jobs you have e.g. small number of large complex jobs, or a large number of small jobs for a large number of clients.  Your MYOB CC will be able to help you work this out.



      The other issues is it is fine to do all this work to capture this level of detail however how do you then want to report on it? Combining all of these different elements and getting flexible reports out of standard MYOB can sometimes be a challenge. 

      There are a number of Add-on solution that can help you if you choose any of the above options to get really flexible reports by JOb Header, JOb Customer, by Activity Slip, by Category etc.



      If you would like to know more about some advanced reporting options for MYOB let me know.


      Jennifer Kelly CA

      Business Intelligence for MYOB

      02 8912 4120

  • We are currently having the same problem where we need to split one invoice entry over 5 different categories.  It is so tedious.  A column for categories would be so much more convenient.

  • Hi


    It would be very helpful to be able to assign a category to each line of a transaction, e.g. to an invoice or a purchase.


    Also, it would be good to be able to change the category, GST code and account code of an invoice or purchase without having to unmatch the payment.



    • Kate_Accounts's avatar
      Cover User

      Seems every month I have to delete a EFT payment for 100plus invoice. Then delete the payment for the invoice just to change the categories on a few transactions. Then reverse the procedure to record the payment. A major waste of time. When it would be so simple if only it could be changed once you are in the invoice.



    • Boro's avatar
      Cover User

      Please could you allow the category to be changed after a payment is made. At present the payment (and in some cases the entire bank deposit of multiple payments) has to be deleted in order to amend the category on the invoice or bill. It is possible to change the job number, but changing the category is a big headache! This is now creating issues with an add-on which we want to use as well, which does not record the category, but does record payments. When the sync is done with a payment applied, the payment must be undone in order to insert a category.






    • Flow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      PLEASE PLEASE make this possible!!


      I really need to be able to add a reportable flag (category) to each line item on a sales invoice. This would be SOOOOOO helpful and I am sure other people would use it. 


      I have previously used Sybiz Vision Accounting software and it allows you to assign a sales analysis code (category) to each line item and it is so valueable for reporting. 

  • Yes I have the same issue.  We are already using Jobs to track jobs/projects but would like to split expenses like Rent and Telephones across different Departments/Categories.


    Otherwise does anyone know a clean way to journal/internal invoice the percentage from one category to another?  Is it possible?



  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the feedback. Categories are a little tricky, because categories are designed to produce a Balance sheet report ( as well as a P&L) the category needs to be applied across the whole transaction in order to result in a balanced Balance Sheet. However I do understand the need for additional Cost codes or Dimesion codes per line. The Job Codes are certainly an option ( if they aren't already in use for other means). I'd love to hear more about this idea - particularly what sort of reporting do you need from these codes?
  • Aly's avatar
    Cover User

    Have you used the JOB column, you can set up different job numbers for each entity and use this to split the sales/purchases.  You can then access the report on each job through the Accounts tab, JOBS.