PaulBihet's avatar
Ultimate Partner
10 years ago

Setup: Cross platform product

Re-Brand / Re-Badge / Re-Work MYOB V19.10 to make it as a True Cross Platform desktop only product

Should not require much tweaking or twerking at R & D level to bring it to this stage

95% of the work has been done already

Sell the Product with BOTH installers in the box (Windows and Mac)

The demand is there!!!

There are a lot of customers who do not want / need their data (or their heads) in the cloud

If MYOB were to market this at a price-point (with limited or email only support) I beleive it's Sales would make it viable.

And you would cater for a lot of currently un-happy clients


"MYOB Desktop Software Windows and Mac"


  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With the release of AccountRight 2020.4, users can access their online AccountRight files through a web browser interface. This will allow users to access their AccountRight information from a Windows PC, MAC, or mobile device.


    Find out more about working with AccountRight in your browser.

  • Create an IPad App to allow owners full access to their Accountright Live site while out working.

    • ChampikaC's avatar
      Cover User


      Could someone please let me know whether MYOB can now be access via iPad for processing payments etc. when overseas.

      Thank you


    • FruFru77's avatar
      Cover User

      This would be extremely useful. Even adding on the option to the invoicing app to include issuing statement.

      MYOB is really behind the times by not having this cross platform functionality. If it doesn’t happen soon, our company will need to jump ship to a more forward thinking accounting program.... 

  • Just found out that as far as MYOB is concerned, the Cloud is only for PC's. If using Account Edge you cannot upload a file to the Cloud, nor can MYOB themselves convert a file to AccountRight to upload to the Cloud. Truly amazing in this day and age. I was told that if I wanted to use the Cloud with a Mac I would have to start a new data file online, with no history able to be uploaded. When I asked when MYOB was going to fix this problem, I was told they had no intention of doing so. Truly bizarre.

  • I recently called to ask if I can continue my existing subscription from PC to MAC and also if I could trnasfer my existing MYOB data file from the PC to MAC.


    I was told on both accounts "No"

    - So I'd have to purchase the MAC version of MYOB (frustrating but doable)

    - I'd also have to manually re-enter all of my account data from my PC data file to the MAC (this is ridiculous in this day and age)


    So I have opted not to buy the mac version and keep my PC as well as the MAC computers, just to run MYOB!


    Maybe look at microsoft 365 where where you purchase 1 subscription and you can use it on up to 4 computers, MAC or PC or a combination.


    The ideal scenario is that you purcahse MYOB (same prices), you are able to install on at least 2 devices (Desktop and Laptop) and you can export data between platforms.



    • mac_user's avatar
      Cover User



      I sucessfully run the windows version on my MacBook using Parallels virtual machine software.  The downside is that you have to pay for a windows license but the solution works well.


      Hope this helps.

    • KattC's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hello Daz7 and Parker21


      Thank you for your feedback in regards to the upgrade/cross grade path from MAC to PC. I have sheared your comments along with your suggestions to the product development team, to further investigate the possibilities of this happening in the future.


      Kind regards,


    • Parker21's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Would be such a big help being able to go from a PC to Mac as our management team are all on Macbooks and Admin team on PC's so makes it hard for the Management to review the Accounts etc. 

      Thanks and hopefully it can happen!

  • BartonJonesWine's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    We currently use AccountRight Plus (v19) with the account file located on an office server to access it locally and remotely via our intranet link, this has the disadvantage of only being able to access the account file one user at a time. We also use payroll and inventory control as part of our business.


    We thought that AccountRight Live Plus was going to solve our access problems. If we were all working on PC based machines it would. But unfortunately we utilise a mixture of PC and Ipads/Iphones (as I’m sure many businesses do).  So if we were to go with AccountRight Live Plus we would solve our multi-user conflicts with the PC interfaces, but no help with the Ipad or Iphone interfaces, as the platforms are not supported.


    The Live Accounts system is an alternative that would cross the PC and Ipad/Iphone platforms, but it has no functionality for inventory management.


    The multi-platform (MAC & PC) must be something that MYOB have in the development pipeline for AccountRight Plus? I'm sure we are not the only company that’s using multi-user PC and Ipad systems for payroll, inventory management and invoicing!


    Can you let us know what is in the development pipeline for expanding either the AccountRight Live Plus or Live Accounts functionality to give the coverage that we need?

    • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi BartonJonesWine - install Parallels Desktop 13 - Business Edition on each of your Macs (it's the latest version).

      They can then run any Windows application, including AccountRight - although MYOB has not yet certified it for AccountRight 2017/2018.

      Cost is A$137.45 per Mac, per year (Business Edition). There'a a Server edition too.

      Parallels has had over 4 m. downloads worldwide.


      P.S. Live Accounts is now called MYOB Essentials - yes, it doesn't have Inventory (though it has Items for purchases or sales - handy for regular transactions)


      Kym Yeoward, Darwin


      cc: David_Cree

    • David_Cree's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hello JKB JKB


      Unfortunately it is unlikely in the near future that this will be available on a Mac.

      there are 2 options available -

      1. change to using MYOB Essentials as this is browser based.

      2. Use Team Viewer to connect to your PC Account Right 



    • JKB's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I am desperate from a time perspective to get functionality on my ipad I dont mind if its an app or web based option I just need to be able to pay bills, process payroll etc and do other things on the move.  We have waited forever to see if MYOB will get cracking and offer this within its accountright platform but Ive started looking at Xero transition instead as they most certainly do offer these options.

  • BartonJonesWine's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    We currently use AccountRight Plus (v19) with the account file located on an office server to access it locally and remotely via our intranet link, this has the disadvantage of only being able to access the account file one user at a time. We also use payroll and inventory control as part of our business.


    We thought that AccountRight Live Plus was going to solve our access problems. If we were all working on PC based machines it would. But unfortunately we utilise a mixture of PC and Ipads/Iphones (as I’m sure many businesses do).  So if we were to go with AccountRight Live Plus we would solve our multi-user conflicts with the PC interfaces, but no help with the Ipad or Iphone interfaces, as the platforms are not supported.


    The Live Accounts system is an alternative that would cross the PC and Ipad/Iphone platforms, but it has no functionality for inventory management.


    The multi-platform (MAC & PC) must be something that MYOB have in the development pipeline for AccountRight Plus? I'm sure we are not the only company that’s using multi-user PC and Ipad systems for payroll, inventory management and invoicing!


    Can you let us know what is in the development pipeline for expanding either the AccountRight Live Plus or Live Accounts functionality to give the coverage that we need?




  • NHAM's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    It seems a lot of AccountEdge 11 users have been caught short with the loss of cross platform compatibility between Mac and PC with the release of AccountEdge 11. Not all Accountants are members of the Partner Program and have to do accounts from Account Edge 11 reports rather than the data file.


    My idea is this:


    MYOB should provide a database conversion tool that can convert an AccountEdge 11 data file to an AccountingPlus 18 or 19 file.


    Alternatively they should provide a data file conversion service to convert an AccountEdge 11 file to an AccountingPlus file. I for one would be more than happy to pay a fee for this kind of service.


    AccountEdge 11 files are c-tree databases and AccountingPlus files are SQL databases. There are database conversion tools for this purpose (i.e.. Converting c-tree to SQL) but way beyond my computer skills and I imagine I am not alone here.


    What do other AccountEdge 11 users feel?


    Nick aka NHAM

    • Frank_La Delfa's avatar
      Frank_La Delfa
      Experienced Partner

      I have a client that currently has a subscription for AccountEdge V2016 as they use a Mac but the data file has not been upgraded and is still on AE V2013.


      They would like to go to Accountright Live online and I understand that a migration of the data file may not be possible from Accountedge V2013 to Accountright Live 2017.1 as was advised to me from someone at MYOB support.


      Are you able to assist with this request as there are say 3-4 users from different locations and they want to all be able to access the “one” live file and also have the benefit of bank feeds, pay super and in the future the One touch payroll feature?

      Below is the response that I got from my MYOB partner manager which is not what I expected and does not suit what this client requires.


      Unfortunately, it is not possible to migrate a file from AccountEdge to AccountRight Live.


      The only two ways around this are:


      1. Setting up a blank AccountRight Live file and manually entering in the data (I am assuming your client has a Windows computer available to use this on)
      2. Migrate the file to Essentials – this can be used on any device and will give the functionality your client requires.

      I'm hoping that a migration tool exists for someone who basically wants to go from a current Accountedge (MAC) version to the AR Plus online (PC) version as to me this seems like a "basic" request which should be albe to be carried out.