David_Cree's avatar
Ultimate Partner
10 years ago


Hello all,


I had, until this week, understood that the Multi-Currency functions in the Classic Premier version would be available in the 2014 Live version later this year.

It appears that this is now not the case, and may not even happen next year, or even longer.


I have a number of clients now using M-C in Premier v19.10 who want to move to the live version to obtain the benefits that they see available, but it now seems they will be stuck with the old version for quite some time.

All that they get for their almost $1200 pa subscription is updates of tax tables.


I urge all Premier M-C users and those with clients using M-C to vote to have this functionality returned without delay.





  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi WendyH and Gaye,


    Thank you for your  votes and comments. Adding multi-currency functions to the AccountRight Live range is proving to be more challenging than our developers originally anticipated. It is therefore taking longer than planned. We will provide an update with more details soon. We request others to please continue to vote on the idea. 

  • Gaye's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Multi Currency for Premier19 Account Right.

    When is it envisaged now that this MYOB version will have multi currencies version available?

    We have been with MYOB since version 2 and always been impressed and enjoyed running the best accounting software for our business.  With Zero now a popular alternative it will interesting to see which system gets the multi-currency version up and running first.  Please action this quickly to stay abreast of your competitors.

  • WendyH's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    We have clients looking at other options for multicurrency, which really saddens me.  Development team - I know you're working on this, please may we have this before it's too late and we've lost more clients to other software providers.  

  • Thanks for your feedback Ray-T and apologies for the delay. MYOB will invest $40 million in research and development this financial year to improve our software and services, but as mentioned above, adding multi-currency functionality to Premier is proving more difficult and time-consuming than initally anticipated. We thank you for your patience while the development team works to implement the feature.


    All the best,

    Jason Hill
    Community Manager

  • Agree with the above comments, very very poor value for the subscription. Thats not taking into consideration the extra hours spent doing reconciliation work without live bank feeds.


    How many users does MYOB currently have on this subsciption? Surely the revenue generated by these customers should be getting put straight into development of the features we require. Another 3 months to finish development? We are all in business and understand that within reason, the more resources that are allocated to a job, the faster if will be compelted. It appears MYOB is not taking this approach, as what will they gain from this upgrade? nothing! They won't generate any aditional revenue, hence there is no incentive for them to speed up the development.


    Based on MYOB's past inability to deliver software according to their own shedule there is no gaurantee it will even be completed in January

  • Status changed:

    Thanks for your feedback. We are still committed to adding multi-currency functionality to the Premier version of the new AccountRight. However, the functionality is proving difficult to implement and unfortunately won't be available in 2014. We will update this post when we have more information about a release. Thanks for your patience in the meantime. 

  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Agree - have to say I'm already looking elsewhere to do the best for my clients!

  • The_Doc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Multi-currency is a must and MYOB to not deliver multi-currency in the new version would undoubtedly send people looking elsewhere.


    The Doc

  • Kym__Yeoward's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Suggest you look at the great multi-currency features in QuickBooks Onlinefrom Intuit Australia. Serious competition there !

    • Irishman's avatar
      Cover User



      Is there any update on the multicurrency feature in Premier?  We are looking to upgrade before June 2015 (currently using AccountRight Premier 19.10.)




    • JasonHill's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Thanks for your feedback. We are still committed to adding multi-currency functionality to the Premier version of the new AccountRight. However, the functionality is difficult to implement and won't be available in 2014. We will update this post when we have more information. Thanks for your patience.