Mike_James's avatar
Ultimate Partner
12 years ago

Setup: Print multiple forms as one print job

I used to be able to select a dozen invoices, print them to SnagIt, and get one file with 12 pages. Now I get 12 files of 1 page that have to be saved individually. Vote for this!


"Print multiple forms as one print job"


  • So the workflow now is:

    1. Sales command centre
    2.  Print/Email Invoices
    3.  select invoices
    4.  press print

    The print dialog comes up. you select a printer? Snag It each time?


    What you want is:

    1. Sales Command Centre
    2. Print/email invoices
    3. Select Invoices

    You want a way that you either decide to print them off one by one OR to be able to preview them all in one big view before you print them? so maybe have a 'preview all selected ' button that will take you to a preview of the invoices in one long view. You can review them, then press print from the preview? Shoud it allow you to export to PDF or word or something as per current reports?



  • BenHick's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    It makes it a slow process when you need to actually print a few hundred invoices also. This needs to be fixed ASAP.