CC-Ben's avatar
3 months ago

Time tracking that feels like magic

I always end up working more hours than I quote and bill for. Tracking time accurately is difficult, and I would rather undercharge myself than risk making my clients feel overcharged. It's easier to give away that extra 20-30% of work for free than to spend time on the admin of making sure I got things right that I find super tedious.

It would be incredible if Solo offered a time tracking tool that could automatically capture my work activities with minimal manual input. Ideally, it would track what I'm doing, identify the client, and calculate the cost based on any data it can access from my phone or PC, calendar or anything else.

This tool could then generate an itemised invoice with brief descriptions of the work, giving my clients confidence that they're receiving value for their money.


I have a lot of data that I would gladly feed to Solo to make this happen. My calendar shows client bookings, Google Docs and other apps often include client names in their titles, and I use a timer app (when I remember) to track my work time. I'd be happy to provide all this data in exchange for an invoice that looks good and earns me that extra 20-30% that I really should be charging. 

1 Comment

  • Great thinking! 👏 We’re always looking to improve, and the more votes this gets, the better we can prioritize it. Keep the ideas coming!